Sue’s New Post 7/20/2017

Sue was able to get help in terms of training and devices because Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation has the Bureau of Blind and Visual Services (BBVS).  Their job is to get people back to work – and it worked with Sue.  What resources are there where you live?

There IS Help

  • Categories: Low Vision Aid, Self care, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: AFB, AMD Alliance, American Foundation for the Blind, BBVS, Blind and Visual Services, BVS, Center for Vision Loss, Dallas, Duluth, Eastern Pennsylvania, Euro Blind Union, International Agency Prevent for the Prevention of Blindness, Lighthouse Center for Vision Loss, Minnesota, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, OVR, Pennsylvania, VisionAware, World Health Organization

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at