Highlight: Here’s a GREAT website especially for those with wet AMD

Lin/Linda here: Every once in a while I find a website and/or Facebook page that stands out.  Here’s one of those.

The website and Facebook page are called The Science of AMD: Our vision is to save your vision.  It is presented by the Amgiogenesis Foundation. Their headquarters are in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Click here to go to the website. From there, you can connect to Facebook, Twitter or YouTube using icons in the upper right corner.

What is angiogenesis? From the website: “Angiogenesis is the process used by the body to grow blood vessels. In healthy adults, normal angiogenesis occurs in healing wounds and reproduction, but in all other situations, it is abnormal.”

It’s what causes wet AMD: “Wet AMD is caused by abnormal angiogenesis, when new vessels grow under the macula, disrupting the central region of the retina. These new blood vessels bleed and leak fluid, causing the macula to bulge or lift up from its normally flat position, impairing central vision. If left untreated, scar tissue can form, and central vision is irreversibly lost.” 

What’s so special about the website?
  • From a design standpoint, you can change the size of the font and the color of the font & background, you can choose a version of the site in any of 7 languages as depicted by flags, it’s easy to navigate.
  • Format of content includes printed text, videos, audio, graphics, PDF files and more.
  • This is not just for the US, there are resources available for other countries as well.
What information can I find there?

There’s a menu with Learn, Treat, Resources, Connect, About, Donate.  I suggest you start at Learn!   The emphasis is on how angiogenesis causes wet AMD and what can be done to treat it.

OK, now go and explore! Let me know what you think!