Holy Steve Austin, Batman!

“We can rebuild him. We have the technology.” – quote from the 1970s TV show “The Six Mission Dollar Man”.

Now the Pentagon is looking to equip American soldiers with bionic vision! Holy Steve Austin, Batman!

Granted, that might be something we question the wisdom for, but hold on, it is possible we might just benefit!

Lin found an article actually from 2015, but prior to this, the information had slipped right past us. It seems they have been working on contact lenses for macular degeneration. Anyone interested in becoming a cyborg?

We are going that way of course. Pacemakers, neurostimulators and wearable technology are all pointing in that direction. However, some of the wearable technology is clunky and well, ugly. These things go in your eyes and no one will be the wiser. Only my ophthalmologist knows for sure.

Right now everything is experimental. It will probably not come to fruition for several years, but the concept is intriguing. The lenses are a little thick and they don’t allow the eyes to breath as they should. They are not comfortable enough to wear for extended periods.

What is cool about the lenses is you can switch back and forth between 2.8 x magnification and regular vision. Blink one eye for magnification and the other to go back to normal view.

We will keep watch for developments in contact lenses as well as all, other areas of endeavor. Lin commented today on how crazy fast the research and discoveries have been coming.

I know I sound like a broken record, but there is much reason for hope. Together we WILL break the back of this thing.

And since that was less than 300 words, what else is happening? Well, I found an article on lutein. Lutein is a yellow pigment produced by plants. Although the assumption has been lutein is good for your eyes, it is thought to protect against light-induced retinal damage. The article, Safety and Benefits of Lutein, published by the National Capitol Poison Control Center, suggests a great deal more research is needed. This is particularly true for very large quantities of the substance. So far the only side effect known of lutein is it sort of turns you yellow.

According to the article, AREDS did not find lutein to have much effect in slowing AMD. However, there are larger amounts of lutein in eye vitamins than in basic supplements. Go figure.

Right now it appears they have not found any evidence to suggest lutein is harmful but they likewise have not found any evidence that says it is particularly useful, either. As in most areas of life, moderation appears to be the key. And remember, if you start to turn yellow, that is too much! Continue reading “Holy Steve Austin, Batman!”

News: August 27-29, 2016

News: August 25-26, 2016

News: July 24-25, 2016


News: July 13, 2016


June 2023 There’s an announcement that since Sue has not written any new journal pages for some time, the site has been archived until we can decide if the work necessary to make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date can be made. In the meantime, you’ll get some pages ‘not found’ or ‘private’ until that decision has been made. The emphasis for several years has been on the Facebook group.

You are here to follow the journey & misadventures of a woman named Sue who became visually impaired with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD) seemingly overnight.   Join in the tears and laughter. Join in the discussion. Learn more about Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Find resources for your own journey or that of someone you know.

We’re going on a bear hunt….can’t go over it, can’t go under it, got to go through it.

Sue is a psychologist trained in Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) and is using it to help her cope with this vision loss. Her trusted and invaluable friends bring computer, research and occupational therapy skills to this endeavor. Yeah team! We hope you benefit from the fruits of our labors.

We are not offering free psychological therapy.  We are not medical people.   Please read the disclaimer.

This website is divided into 4 parts:

  1. If you have just been diagnosed or if you are beginning your research, here’s a place to start in I Have Macular Degeneration…Now What?
  2. Sue’s journal pages which are like chapters in a book
  3. Highlights & News which are basically blog posts
  4. Links to helpful resources (still under construction)

For those of you who aren’t familiar with websites or blogs like this, to ensure that you will be notified when information is added to the website, you must subscribe by email.  On a laptop & most tablets, you’ll find the place where you can do this in the right-hand column.  On a smart phone, you will find it below the content for the page that you are looking at.

We are still learning, we don’t know everything about this challenging disease.

Courses Coming Soon!


Thanks to Lesley B., Sally R., Dave M. and Gerry M. for going through the website looking for links that didn’t work, things that didn’t read well and typos.  We couldn’t have done it without you.