Hi, there! Again, I have not been given an assignment but I AM writing for a very good reason: I am bored! Nothing I should do is appealing. So I am going to write about…whatever. Send me an assignment if you don’t want this to continue happening. [Lin/Linda: yes, PLEASE give her something to do. She’s not happy if she’s bored, and “if she’s not happy, …” Do you know the rest of this phrase? ::grin::]
First of all, I understand we have had a large number of new Facebook group members. Although I am not one of your number, welcome! I think you will find we are a “country” without strict borders. Nearly all are welcome.
We do keep a dedication to the scientific method of inquiry. That means we like to have information that has been researched and proven to have, if not a definite answer to our communal problem, at least a flicker they are on the right road. In other words, if your great aunt heard that burning pocket lint in the microwave and huffing the smoke is a cure, we don’t want to hear about it. If that same process is being written up in a scientific journal, let us know!
We are also – as of this instant – nonprofit. Very nonprofit. If we are not making money on this project, NOBODY is making money. Therefore we do not take advertising, either straightforward or covert. People who have blatantly tried to sell things on these pages have been asked to leave.
If we can get you a hot discount on something we have used ourselves, we will do so. Occasionally you will see a page about a particular brand of merchandise. It s because one of us has been able to get a good deal.
That is pretty much it. Beyond basic civility, two rules: research-based and no advertising. Simple.
From what I understand – remember I am telling you my version of the “rules”, and I am not even ON FB! The girl can have attitude! – Lin has asked some people to watch the professional and lay media and report back. Want a job? I suspect she could use volunteers. [Absolutely LOVE volunteers!]
Leaving me something like 165-160 – words to share some info. I try to keep these pages to about 500 words. I cannot say for you, but my reading speed is significantly slower than it was. I don’t do well with dense prose. I assume you have the same problem.
News? Healio is reporting there may be a new anti-VEGF “kid” in town. Klondike Sciences recently finished a phase 1 trial on a compound called KSI-301. I am thinking the 301 means the 301st attempt. Maybe? In that case they are nothing if not persistent!
Be that as it may, the results were promising enough to do what will probably be a phase 2a study. That is another safety and tolerability study with more subjects. It is still early in the game for KSI-301 but it might prove to be of value.
Running out on my word count, so allow me to again say welcome! If you have a topic you would like researched, please let us know. As you can see, I get in trouble when I have nothing to do! [She does!]
Please ask! As a value we also have member empowerment. You remember Scholastic Rock? We learn because “Knowledge is Power!” Let us empower one another.
Written January 4th, 2019