Do you know what a podcast is? Click here for a great article that explains what they are and how you can find and access them. It also has a great list of podcasts for those with low vision including ones from RNIB (UK) and several about technology for people with low vision.
For the purpose of this page, I’m not including sources for audiobooks. That’s a topic for another page!
- For topic-specific podcasts such as the ones related to blindness or low vision in the article above or the list below, go to their website for information about availability across devices.
- For podcasts on a variety of subjects, use one of the software websites or apps that have gathered podcasts from a variety of sources such as TuneIn, iTunes or Stitcher Radio which are listed below.
- For topics specific to a service such as NPR, CNN, Time Magazine, etc, go to their webpage or tablet/smartphone app. Many of their programs can also be accessed through TuneIn, iTunes or Stitcher Radio which are listed below
- To customize your own playlist, use what is called a podcatcher where you can search for and follow specific podcasts. You might use this if you find podcasts that you like that are not found on the same services such as TuneIn, iTunes or Stitcher Radio. This is a little more complicated in that there are various programs to do this (I won’t be talking about that now but here’s a link to a list of podcatchers). Some are also capable of catching video, news feeds, text, and picture. Here’s a link to some of the best of them as defined by Tom.
Sources for podcasts related to blindness or low vision
This is NOT a list of all of them. If you don’t find what you are looking for, I suggest you do a search using your favorite search engine with keywords such as ‘blind, low vision, podcast, audio’.
RNIB Connect Radio From the UK, they not only have podcasts but they have news and other programs/programmes, but though RNIB Connect Extra you can listen to various programs through the day. They also have a Facebook page.
Blind Living Radio is hosted by Harley Thomas with the help of special guest hosts. They say: “We will cover topics ranging from life with a guide dog to advances in assistive technology. Nothing is off limits on Blind Living Radio.” From iTunes (see below) for Windows and Mac.
BrightFocus Foundation has a list of audio files. It is listed as Macular Degeneration: News You Can Use. This app allows you to access the podcasts from the BrightFocus Foundation. Currently, there are 40 of them. You can play them on their website or though iTunes or through the App Store on your iPad, iPhone and iPod.
This website called Newsreel Magazine files that you can download. The 3 hour monthly magazines consist of contributions from subscribers, often in their own voice. Formats available: instant download (mp3 file), NLS (National Library Service digital cartridge, audio CD (mp3 files), and 4-track cassette. They also have a Facebook page.
Talking Computers is a free monthly audio magazine about using computers with low vision. Available as a download to use with iTunes through the App Store on your iPad, iPhone and iPod.
Mystic Access is packed with podcasts regarding the use of computers. Available to play from webpage or download.
Audio Internet Reading Service of Los Angeles (AIRSLA), an Internet-based radio station that broadcasts to those who have limited or no vision. The range of topics they have is amazing, everything from periodicals to using technology to cooking. Click here for list of categories of podcasts. You can click and listen for free to them on your computer, iPad, iPhone or iPod. They also have a Facebook page.
Blind Planet has a variety of types of podcasts including tutorials and reviews of technology topics. Available to play from webpage or download.
Most popular sources for a variety of podcasts
TuneIn Site says that it “enables people to discover, follow and listen to what’s most important to them — from sports, to news, to music, to talk. TuneIn provides listeners access to over 100,000 real radio stations and more than four million podcasts streaming from every continent.” There are local stations as well. They have a Facebook page.
- You can play the show directly on your desktop/laptop or download them.
- Apps available for iPad and iPad (App Store) and Android (Google Play)
- free and premium (subscription) options available.
Stitcher Radio for Podcasts Here’s the description: “Listen to your favorite news, comedy, sports and talk radio shows and podcasts ON DEMAND from your iPhone or iPad. Discover the best of NPR, CNN, Fox, BBC, WSJ, Adam Carolla, Joe Rogan, Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, Fresh Air, Freakonomics, Radiolab and over 25,000 shows, podcasts and live stations. Change the way you listen to radio – on your schedule, not the schedule of traditional stations.” They have a Facebook page.
- You can play the show directly on your desktop/laptop or download them.
- Apps available for iPad and iPad (App Store) and Android (Google Play).
iTunes They say they have hundreds of thousands of free podcasts and that you can create your own. This link will get you to the ‘How to’ about podcasts.
- You can play them through the iTunes software that you download onto a Windows or Mac computer. On your iPad, iPhone or iPod, if you are keeping your version of IOS up-to-date, there is an app called Podcasts. If it’s not there, you can download it from the App Store. To be honest, I do not know if you will be accessing the same podcasts or not. I do know that you can sync them between your Apple devices: click here for the instructions.
Other podcasts and audio file sources
NPR This is a link to the podcasts on their website. There are also iPad & iPhone apps to download from the App Store. Their podcasts are also available through iTunes, TuneIn and Stitcher.
NY Times This is the link to the podcasts on their website where there are podcasts for music and book reviews. There are iPad and iPhone apps by subscription.
CNN This is a link to the podcasts on their website. There are also iPad & iPhone apps to download from the App Store. Their podcasts are also available through iTunes, Tunein and Stitcher.
Time magazine This is a link to the podcasts on their website. The subjects include entertainment, politics and more!
Coming eventually: How can I keep up with my reading with e-books and audio files?
Do you have a favorite podcast or source for podcasts? We’d love it if you’d share it.