This is Linda (or as Sue calls me in her journal pages: Lin). We’re sorry we’ve neglected you. We’ve both been very busy.
It was 4 years ago this month when we started this website. SO MUCH has happened since then: the good, the not-so-good, the bad, and a little of the “Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” Luckily, not very much of the latter and not recently, thank goodness!
Our plans are to try to add more to this website. Not every day as we did in the first few years, but more often than we have been.
Here are our questions for YOU:
- Is there something you’d like to have Sue write about? Any general or specific questions? How she does something? What she thinks about a certain topic? That could be dangerous! ::grin::
- Are there any topics you want to know more about from my research and work with the Facebook group? At almost 4,000 members still going strong!)? Facebook is still the best place to chat. The website doesn’t make it easy to do.
Let me know. Email me at or leave a comment here.
We look forward to hearing from you.