- Nutrition
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- Coping
Author: light2sight5153@gmail.com
Sue’s New Page 8/4/2016
This will be the last page I’ll publish before I take a break (I’m ‘getting out of Dodge’, too) until Monday, August 8th. There won’t be a Daily News Post until then as well. I’ll be baaccckkk! Lin/Linda…
We all need hugs but sometimes there just isn’t anyone handy. We CAN hug ourselves.
Sue’s New Page 8/3/2016
Sue’s not used to staying in one place especially for the Summer. It’s time for her to fix that.
Sue’s New Page 8/1/2016
This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post about Sue’s 100th page (About Our Project).
About our Project 7/31/2016
We’ve had some people (and you know who you are ::smile::) ask about what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ with our project so I’ve written a page about just that.
News: July 28-29, 2016
Sue’s New Page 7/30/2016
You may have noticed that Sue loves quotes & she knows a lot of them.
News: July 26-27, 2016
News: July 24-25, 2016
- Technology
- Research
- Coping
- Inspiration
- Nutrition
Sue’s New Page 7/26/2016
One of the risks those with impaired vision face is that of falls. AMD affects depth perception, balance, peripheral vision and the ability to see contrast and color. Sue tells us how yoga can help improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls.
Sue’s New Page 7/24/2016
Have you found that it’s harder to deal with mistakes now that your vision has become poor? Do you have more self-doubt? Sue has and she shares what it takes to not let this paralyze you.
News: July 23, 2016
- Nutrition
- Coping
- Research
- Vibrating ‘space boots’ may help those with low vision or who are blind
- A study done in the UK shows that after education & approval process, optometrists in the community were successful identifying patients with wet AMD.
News: July 22, 2016
- Resources
- Research
- What’s the difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells?
- What’s the difference between cord blood cells and cord stem cells?
- Phase 2 clinical trials test the safety and tolerability of a proposed treatment. Here’s a phase 2 clinical trial which is testing cord blood cells (my previous post explains what they are) as a possible way to stop damage from dry AMD and hopefully to restore vision. Assuming they get through Phase 2 successfully Phase 3 will compare a placebo group to a group who receive the treatment.
News: July 20-21, 2016
Sue’s New Page 7/21/2016
We love it when you leave comments on our pages and posts. Sue addresses the most recent one and offers Cookie Monster some advice.
News: July 19, 2016
- Coping
- Do you belong to a support group? What can they do for you.
- FAQs about glaucoma Did you know that one of the side effects of the injections for wet AMD is increased eye pressure which can lead to glaucoma?
- Research
- Laboratory success (ie, tested on mice only) in preventing damage to the RPEs and thus preventing AMD with 2 drugs that are on the market for other uses. The next step will be to get a patent for the 2-drug treatment and then start the pre-clinical trials followed by the clinical trials.
Sue’s New Page 7/19/2016
How much time do you have on your hands especially if you are dealing with low vision? How do you decide what to do with that time? Sue gives us some advice from DBT.
News: July 18, 2017
- Coping
- JulEYE is the perfect time to check your vision. Article that says “The fact we’ve got something available to keep these people seeing is wonderful because eight or nine years ago we had nothing available.”
- Nutrition
News: July 17, 2016
- Research
- Why are patients being denied cutting-edge therapy in the US?
- From the Macular Degeneration Foundation: “Exclusive Online Videos Featuring World’s Leading Eye Researchers” https://macularnews.org/The Macular Degeneration Foundation puts out a quarterly newsletter which I highly recommend. You can request a printed one or you can download a text version or a interactive version. When you click on the link below, you’ll find an option that says ‘follow’.
News: July 16, 2016
- Nutrition
- Risk Factors
- Research
Sue’s New Page 7/16/2016
It’s no secret at this point that Sue is a social creature. She has many friends, several places where she works and two or three exercise classes that she attends each week. These are her priorities and sometimes she has to go to people with demands to help fulfill them. How does she keep from this becoming a problem?
News: July 15, 2016
- Coping
- Research
- Technology
- Nutrition
News: July 14, 2016
- Technology
- Research
- Interview with Doug Oliver whose vision was improved through stem cell surgery. This is the man who is working with Congress to make stem cell therapy more available. Article calls AMD ‘rare’.
News: July 13, 2016
- Nutrition
- Technology
- Research
- Research into use of medications for osteoporosis and wet AMD
- There are 2 questions asked and answered. Ironically, the first question talks about osteoporosis and possible need for medication (see the link above this one about meds used for osteoporosis & wet AMD). The second question is about AMD.
- Visual acuity regenerates neural connections between eye and brain
- Using a virus to deliver opsins (light-sensitive proteins) to photoreceptors to restore vision
News: July 12, 2016
Caution against ‘stem cell tourism’
- Tips for living with low vision
- Kindle e-book readers: which one is right for me
- Source for free and inexpensive e-books: BookBub
- Inspirational: 22 year old blind woman at Apple
- Great article “When People Say ‘You Don’t Look Blind'” We recommend you look at the rest of the blog, it’s one we follow
- Research