Come Dance with Me – Again

End of a busy Saturday. The big news of the day is we met our puppy! She is all picked out and will be ready to come home to her new mommy and daddy on November 18th.

I also got back to my exercise classes. My routine will only be in place for about a week before I go running off on vacation but that is alright. Things will settle down soon after. I hope. No more ride snafus, food poisoning or adventures for a bit.

While I like a little adventure (but not ride snafus or illness!), sameness and predictable are really good. I like the familiar, too.

Such as the Eastern screech owl ‘whinnying’ outside the window. He has been there most nights for several weeks now. According to web sources, that is a territorial defense cry. Wonder what he is defending against? Apparently there is a hidden drama unfolding in the backyard!

One of the other things I got done today was going through some Healio and Medscape posts for articles. They are still publishing that Manchester, U.K. research saying eye shots cause anxiety and depression and my reaction is still “Duh! Ya think so?”

But the next things I came upon were actually related to that article – about depression and mental functioning – and gave me more reason to harp on exercise again.

I absolutely love it when things I enjoy doing are found to be good for not only physical health but cognitive and emotional health, too! It makes me feel so righteous to say I am doing it because it is recommended even though inside I know I would do it anyway. Like being told eating an entire chocolate cake with a half gallon of vanilla ice cream is a nutritious meal! Recommended at least three times a week!

Oh well, that might be a little extreme (a girl can dream; can’t she?). However, the Medscape article ‘Dancing Keeps Older Brains on the Ball’ gave me a rationale for being the ‘grand old lady’ at hip hop class as well as one of the ‘dowagers’ at Zumba.  The article talked about how the integration of info from multiple sensory sources such as hearing the music, watching the instructor and feeling how your own body is moving in space is good exercise for your brain. The researchers discovered the demands of learning new dances every week or so in addition to the balance demands of dancing literally beef up your hippocampus. The hippocampus (seahorse in Latin as I mentioned before) is your memory center and tends to shrink in old age. The researchers ended by saying “our study results suggest that social enrichment and a combination of physical and cognitive activities influences neuroprotection best”. So there!

And of course I got so excited about having a SCIENTIFIC rationale for putting on my boogie shoes a couple of times a week, I did not leave myself space to write about the other two articles I found. But good news: one of the articles on exercise and depression talks about the levels of exercise effective for battling depression and guess what? It was practically nuthin’. See? You can read the next page even if I am being a noodge!

October 22nd, 2017

Continue reading “Come Dance with Me – Again”

Sue’s New Post 10/22/2017

Why should we be excited about a breakthrough in the treatment of diseases other than AMD?  Sue writes “What I am saying is every breakthrough in one aspect of vision research might lead to breakthroughs in other areas and – drum roll please! – there has been a breakthrough!”  That means…

Our Turn is Coming

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/20/2017

The eye is a complex and remarkable organ.  We’ve talked about the RPE cells which take care of the photoreceptors which are the rods and cones that give us sight.  One of their jobs is to feed them, another is…

Eye Poop Reduction

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Post 10/19/2017

One of the hardest things to deal with for many who have had to stop driving is that you cannot make last minute adjustments to your schedule.  Sue planned for a full day of activities but got sick.  She writes “I cannot make the marginal call any more. Sometimes I need to use a little discretion.”  That means she sometimes has to…

Make the Safe Call

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/18/2017

Sue’s written quite a bit about the role of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in the development and progression of AMD.  She clarifies that RPEs are not just in the macula, she writes “RPEs are under all of the photoreceptors and support all vision, not just central vision.” That means that RPEs are…

Important Cells

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/17/2017

Those of you with wet AMD – especially those of you who are getting injections of anti-VEGF medications – are praying for the time when you will not need them or you will not need them as often.  When the research on a topical treatment ‘failed’ (Squalamine eye drops used with Lucentis injections to reduce the frequency of injections), the news was disappointing.  However, as with many studies, there was a secondary goal which was to improve visual acuity.  About that, Sue writes that “31% of the people with ‘classic’ wet AMD lesions gained 11 letters on the chart!”  She says…

Maybe They Have Something

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/16/2017

We’ve had several people ask how Sue can produce so many pages for the website (almost 500!) as well as prepare written reports for her various jobs.  She has geographic atrophy which is the advanced stage of dry AMD which means she has scotomas/blind spots in the central vision of both eyes.  She writes about her process which has produced some funny autocorrect and speech recognition interpretations such as ‘a broken ankle’ becoming a…

A Brisket Ankle

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/15/2017

Sue’s written several pages about atrophy that can occur in the periphery.  She says  “Can’t change your genes just yet at any rate. Cannot get any younger. That leaves taking care of your circulatory system. Do what you can to improve it.” We hope you will also take this advice…

Keep Calm and Carry On

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/14/2017

Sue continues to dig through the article about geographic atrophy.  Would you want to know where the atrophy will spread?  There’s a test for that and tests for wet AMD and a test for dark adaptation.


Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/13/2017

Sue has written several pages about an article that details what is known about geographic atrophy which is the advanced form of dry AMD.  She writes that with all these terms & details she feels like she is falling…

Down the Rabbit Hole

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/11/2017

We’ve read so many articles about peripheral retinal atrophy & related disorders that we are swimming in confusing information!  Sue writes “I have more than enough to worry about with my macular degeneration and I expect you do too. I am not going to buy trouble. I could waste every minute of every day worrying about a bunch of what-ifs. I have better things to do with my time. I suspect you do, too.”  We advise you to take former Beatle Paul McCartney’s advice to…

Let It Be

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/10/2017

We’ve talked about drusen but we’re also reading about something called pseudodrusen.   What is it and why do we care?  When we talk about vision with early AMD, what’s the difference between visual acuity (eg, 20/20) and functional vision?  Here we go with more articles that we are…

Slogging Through Again

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/9/2017

She’s back with the first of a series of pages on something that her retinologist told her.   She takes a detour through Panda Pop and the Rocky Horror Picture Show but she ends the page with an article that says there’s a connection between prostate cancer and AMD so the page is…

Not a Total Loss

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Just Relax

Hello! Woke up this morning to find my husband online shopping! This is a great move forward considering how technophobic he used to be. I may not be 100% crazy about his purchases (do we really need that?) but it is a bit comforting to know he will know how to get online, shop, pay, etc. if/when my eyes get too bad.

My husband found an ad for Labrador Retriever pups so I called. The litter they have now will be ready right before we leave for vacation but a second litter they knew of will be ready right after we get back.  Cautiously hopeful. We will go and look at the set-up, parents, pups next week.

And yes, I know, I should get a shelter dog, etc. I am guilty but …..puppy!

I am about halfway through my crazy list of activities for October. Sort of loaded heavy in the beginning of the month. Gives me time to load the back end. I did NOT say that! Did I?

Anyway, so glad to hear our guest authors are also busy people. Riding horses and volunteering for all sorts of community projects. You go, girls!

Any of you guys want to volunteer for a page? I think Lin said at least 25 or 30% of the Facebook members are guys. How about a male perspective ? I also was told some of you are eye care professionals. How about the view from the other side of the machine?

We never did fly yesterday. Point of information: balloon pilots (captains?) will not launch if the winds are more than 8 miles an hour. Nate is making its way up the coast and we got some of that. Maybe. Anyway, it was windy.

My friend who took me (you ever feel like baggage when you say that?) is my fitness freak friend (alliteration!) and was driving both herself and me insane when we had to wait two hours to see if we could fly. I sent her to run – literally! – twice. She did about four miles.

My friend does not know how to relax. It is an art many people do not know. I can do it for short periods. For those two hours I lay on my back, watched the clouds and listened to the entertainment. I am not looking forward to two days of downtime when we are literally at sea on the upcoming cruise. Last time that happened I did a lot of pacing.

So how to relax when you cannot run it off or pace the deck? I found a Psychology Today article from 2013. The author, Will Meek, had distilled the relaxation process down to five steps. His process involved ways to change your physiology to change your emotions. Dr. Meek, Will, suggested orienting yourself to your environment. You do this by taking in sense impressions to recognize where you are. Then you ground yourself by noticing how you are connected to your environment. Right now I am noticing my butt on the couch, my laptop on my knee and the dishwasher humming in the next room. Next Will suggests an inner focus on your breath and heart rate. Deep breathing. While still breathing deeply give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself you are strong. Tell yourself you have supports. Tell yourself Jesus or Allah or whatever deity you believe in has ‘got’ this problem in hand and will help. Tell yourself what you need to tell yourself to feel more in control. The last step is emerging. Focus on bringing yourself back to your problem with a relaxed attitude.

Now this page is about 100 words too long already so I am signing off here. May be back later. Never did get that article critiqued. Bye!

written October 8th, 2017

Continue reading “Just Relax”

Sue’s New Page 10/6/2017

Two pages again today to celebrate those of you who are sharing your journeys with us.


We are always happy to hear from our email followers and Facebook group members.  Mary has been with us for quite some time and recently told us that she leads a full life which includes her involvement with a support group in Massachusetts that she helped start.  Sue writes about some things that help us to create…

A Full Life


We have 2 new pages from Facebook group member Joann Davis who is one of our charter followers.  She’s been with us for 1 year 5 months which makes her one of our first!

Rookie in Training: Part 1  (there’s a link to the second page)

Want to join them and tell others about YOUR journey?  You can send me an email with the words you have or an email with an attached file with the words (Word .doc file is great). There’s no word limit, if I need to create more than one page, I’ll do that.  I’ll edit it & create the webpage, work with you on anything that might need to be changed, show you the finished product before I release it to the world.  If you have any questions or want to go ahead and send me something, it’s

Sue’s New Page 10/5/2017

Actually, I have 2 pages to share today.


This page written by one of our Facebook group members Nancy Alberts. Thanks so much Nancy!

My Journey with Early AMD


Sue writes “Anyway, even though I am not normal, I see parallels between Nancy’s experiences, my experiences and maybe even your experiences, too.”  We are all…

Looking for Answers

You can go to the webpage with our ever-growing number of guest writers: Our Guest Authors: Their Stories.

Want to join them and tell others about YOUR journey?  You can send me an email with the words you have or an email with an attached file with the words (Word .doc file is great). There’s no word limit, if I need to create more than one page, I’ll do that.  I’ll edit it & create the webpage, work with you on anything that might need to be changed, show you the finished product before I release it to the world.  If you have any questions or want to go ahead and send me something, it’s

Sue’s New Page 10/3/2017

We’ve talked about ways to watch TV when you are visually impaired.  Sue is having some success watching it on her iPad where she can get very close to the screen.  It’s part of her much needed…


Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/2/2017

It was no surprise to me that after Sue’s page yesterday about running out of things to write about, she sent me a new page. ::smile::  She attended a vision seminar where the presentation was about what should go in to the decision to continue to drive or not.  It’s…

Not As Cut and Dried

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 10/1/2017

Sue has been writing about her journey since February 2016.  About how things are now, she writes “The point is this: I am in a place that is almost the normal (and I use that word very tongue in cheek) me. I am living MY life. I am not living a pale substitute nor am I always settling for second or third best. My life is full. And I am doing it visually impaired.”  At one point, Sue was concerned that she would run out of things to write about as her life settled into this ‘new normal’.  I told her that would never happen and now she is saying…

I Told You So!

Since she wrote this page, she HAS given me a few more.  ::grin::  But soon there may not be a new page every day.

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.


Sue’s New Page 9/30/2017

There are many helpful functions available to create text including autocorrect and speech-to-text/dictation apps.  Sue offers ways to avoid turning something like “Doing Beets with Grandma” into…

Doing Beers with Grandma

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 9/25/2017

I apologize again, another post that didn’t get posted!

Many of you have pets and understand the connection we have with them. Sue has written about her dog Lily (she called her Beastie Baby often since she was a large breed), dog #7 for Sue.  Lily was 14 and suffering from lung disease.  A few days ago, because she was suffering, Sue & her husband had Beastie Baby euthanized.  Will there be a dog #8?  Yes, there eventually will be.  In the meantime, we say…

RIP Beastie Baby

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.

Sue’s New Page 9/28/2017

Sue prides herself on being an organized, productive person…most of the time.   But it’s been a tough week after being up all night with her dog and then sleeping longer than normal the next night to recover.  She writes “In my opinion, caring for others as well as for yourself are some of the highest callings.”

Let the Horse Out of Her Harness

Start at the beginning…

Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD?  We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.