Sues New Pages 8/5/2017

Do you have high blood pressure?  Do you take medications for it?  High blood pressure has been linked to AMD especially to the wet form.  Unfortunately, some types of medications – beta blockers – for blood pressure can increase one’s risk for wet AMD.  Read about what that means in terms of…

Preventative Maintenance

Have you heard the phrase “if it sounds too good to be true it probably is”?  Unfortunately, there are individuals and companies who want to take your money.  How do you spot a fraud?  Sue gives us some guidelines.

Quack, Quack

Sue’s New Pages 8/4/2017

When people offer to help you, do you feel that they pity you or sympathize with you?  Is there a difference?  Sue tells why we should…

Let People Help You

The website for the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) says that it “is the largest and most respected eye and vision research organization in the world. Our members include nearly 12,000 researchers from over 75 countries”.  Sue shares information from presentations related to retinal issues at past conferences.

Serious Work

Guest Author 8/4/2017

Too Much of a Good Thing

We are always looking for people to write for us.  If you are interested, let us know at  I’ll be happy to help with the editing and I’ll put your words on the website.

Sue’s New Pages 8/3/2017

Do you have a blind spot (called a scotoma)? Does it make reading difficult?  There are techniques called eccentric viewing and steady eye strategy that can help you to use your peripheral vision and the to look past…

Your Fuzzy Spot

Sue ran out of work which rarely happens. Is there an art to doing nothing? In other words, can you “engage in nonproductive or inconsequential activity” which she calls…

Putzing Around


Sue’s New Pages 8/2/2017

There are some of you who ARE caregivers, some of you who HAVE caregivers.  For Sue, her current caregivers are those who get her where she wants to go and those who help her with something she can’t do or read.  What does the burden of caregiving do to our relationships with our spouses, partners, family members? What can we do to help them?

Fair and Impartial

One of the fears of AMD is that of going totally blind.  Sue searched for specific information about how much of her visual field would be affected by her advanced AMD (geographic atrophy) and found what she thinks are some answers.  And again, she says…

Love Wikipedia

Sue’s New Pages 8/1/2017

As you know, many of the pages that we are posting now have been written months ago.  Some are more current when they are responding to topics that come up in the Facebook group.  Sue and I have decided that we will start posting 2 pages at a time in an attempt to get caught up with ‘real time’.

We’ve talked about the grieving process that is part of dealing with a diagnosis of AMD and other vision-changing eye diseases.  There are stages to grieving, one of which is acceptance.  In terms of DBT, there is radical acceptance which teaches “it is what it is” and has us asking…

Why NOT Me?

Sue practices what she preaches.  She writes about contributing to the lives of others as one way to deal with distress a la DBT.   When she wrote this page, she needed something that didn’t take much time or effort (or crafting skill ::smile::). She found quite a few great ideas for…

C for Contribute



Sue’s New Page 7/31/2017

There are some words you don’t want to use when talking to Sue: “can’t” and “should not”.  The only thing that she truly “can’t” do now is drive.  She believes that with everything else, there is…

A Compromise for Today

  • Category: Sue’s Musings
  • Keywords: bike, biking, independent, interdependent

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/30/2017

Sue continues to test apps, one of them is NaturalReader which she wrote about in the previous page (Jabbering) – that’s what the “whoopsie” is about.  She talks about e-books and sources of them as well as about biking and investing – another mixed bag!


  • Categories: Financial, Future, Low Vision Aid, Research, Sue’s Musings, Technology: Phone/Tablet/Computer
  • Keywords: BARD, biking, DRM, eBooks, Gutenberg Project, iBooks, investing, NaturalReader, Nook, overdrive, research

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/29/2017

Sue talks about several different topics and tells us that “Low vision does not have to mean no fun!” Catch up on her latest antics.  Plus, she finally was able to try the cardboard goggles I sent her with her new smartphone with the app Nearsighted VR.  It did not work well for her, unfortunately.  She shares why it didn’t plus gives us the scoop on a great free service & a great new app.


  • Categories: Low Vision Aid, Sue’s Musings, Symptoms, Technology: Android, Technology: Phone/Tablet/Computer
  • Keywords: BookBub, cardboard goggles, e-books, Natural Reader, NaturalReader, Near Sighted app

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at



Sue’s New Page 7/28/2017

We’ve already talked about preconceived notions.  Here’s another one.  Have you been wearing eyeglasses & had someone question you about them, wondered why the lenses weren’t bottom-of-soda-bottle thick?  Depending on how your vision has been affected by AMD, getting your refractive errors fixed can help.  But the bottom line is that we are not all like…

Mr. Magoo!

  • Categories: Low Vision Aid, Non-AMD Eye Problems, Sue’s Musings
  • Keywords: astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, prisms, refractive errors

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Post 7/27/2017

If you’ve been reading Sue’s pages (and you should be ::smile::), you know that Sue is very physically active including hiking & biking in her area. She’s not the only one with visual impairments to do so and she shares stories of several others who…

Hike and Bike

  • Categories: Personal Stories, Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: Appalachian Trail, bike, biking, Bill Irwin, Blind Courage, Canada, hike, rail, rails to trails, The Great Trail, trail, Trevor Thomas

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/26/2017

Many of you are working and hope to continue doing so for as long as possible.  Sue writes about some things that can happen when vision loss changes the dynamics of…

Chiefs & Indians

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings
  • Keywords: career, contribute, job, work

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at


Sue’s New Page 7/25/2017

It occurred to me that some of you don’t remember when we did NOT have microwaves! They were invented in the 1940s but not affordable till the 1970s.  Before that, there were ‘TV dinners’, the first of which – the Swanson TV dinner – was advertised in 1955: “In 25 minutes, your wife could make a meal with ‘hearty slices of moist tender Swanson turkey, with whipped sweet potatoes and golden Swanson butter.’ The original TV dinner also included ‘garden fresh’ peas and a cornbread dressing.”   We have come a long way!  If you have problems putting together a ‘real’ meal, modern microwave dinners are an option as are meals from programs like Meals on Wheels in the US.  Good thing because Sue is…

Domestic Goddess – Not!

  • Categories: Nutrition, Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: cooking, Meals at Home, Meals on Wheels, frozen dinners, frozen meals

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at


Sue’s New Page 7/24/2017

I proposed this topic to Sue because of an article I shared with the Facebook group Re-thinking Antioxidant Supplementation for Macular Degeneration which presents criticism of the AREDS research.  Considering that many doctors recommend the supplements from that research as if they were a ‘treatment’, how do we as patients deal with the conflicting information that we find? As several of the Facebook group members pointed out, it’s not only in this field that we are faced with this (is fat OK or not OK, is coffee OK or not OK, etc).  How do we deal with it?  The question becomes: is there any way of…

Overcoming Uncertainty

  • Category: Cognitive Therapy, Future, Research, Sue’s Musings, Treatment
  • Keywords: DBT, limbic system, research, treatment, uncertainty

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at



Sue’s New Page 7/23/2017

We continue to talk about scotomas/blind spots in terms of Sue’s geographic atrophy.  Do you know where the term came from, what the word ‘geographic’ means? In seas of healthy tissue, there are…

Islands of Damage

  • Category: Dry AMD, Sue’s Musings, Symptoms, The Science Stuff
  • Keyword: Amsler Grid, choroid, depigmentation, eccentric viewing, fovea, geographic atrophy, lesions, pigment, scotoma, scotomata

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Corrected: Sue’s New Page 7/22/2017

My earlier post had an incorrect link to The Blind Spot – Part 1.  It is corrected below.  I guess I should had a 3rd cup of coffee this morning ::grin::

In our Facebook group, we’ve been discussing the presence of blind spots call scotomas that can occur with AMD.  They are most common with advanced dry AMD called geographic atrophy but can occur with wet AMD as well.

The Blind Spot – Part 1


The Blind Spot – Part 2

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Symptoms, The Science Stuff
  • Keywords: absolute scotoma, bilateral scotoma, blind spot, central scotoma, eccentric viewing, hemianopic scotoma, optic chiasm, paracentral scotoma, peripheral scotoma, photoreceptors, scotoma, scotomata

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/22/2017

In our Facebook group, we’ve been discussing the presence of blind spots call scotomas that can occur with AMD.  They are most common with advanced dry AMD called geographic atrophy but can occur with wet AMD as well.

The Blind Spot – Part 1


The Blind Spot – Part 2

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Symptoms, The Science Stuff
  • Keywords: absolute scotoma, bilateral scotoma, blind spot, central scotoma, eccentric viewing, hemianopic scotoma, optic chiasm, paracentral scotoma, peripheral scotoma, photoreceptors, scotoma, scotomata

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/21/2017

A diagnosis that threatens our independence naturally brings fear.   We can, however, establish and maintain INTERdependence which is “dependence of two or more things or people upon each other.”  Have you done something for others, for your community?  It’s never too late to be the…

First Link on the Chain of Kindness

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: Facebook group, independence, interdependence

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at


Sue’s New Post 7/20/2017

Sue was able to get help in terms of training and devices because Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation has the Bureau of Blind and Visual Services (BBVS).  Their job is to get people back to work – and it worked with Sue.  What resources are there where you live?

There IS Help

  • Categories: Low Vision Aid, Self care, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: AFB, AMD Alliance, American Foundation for the Blind, BBVS, Blind and Visual Services, BVS, Center for Vision Loss, Dallas, Duluth, Eastern Pennsylvania, Euro Blind Union, International Agency Prevent for the Prevention of Blindness, Lighthouse Center for Vision Loss, Minnesota, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, OVR, Pennsylvania, VisionAware, World Health Organization

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/18/2017

Are you concerned that being visually impaired means you won’t be able to travel & take vacations?  Sue’s found several articles with suggestions, including one where you can go…

Eating Our Way Around the Globe

  • categories: Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • keywords: cruise, Disney World, Legoland, skiing, travel, vacation

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/17/2017

One thing Sue and I have in common with many of you is our love of furry critters especially dogs.  You might not expect that there’s anything connecting IBM with them but read on to find out about the…


  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: assistance animals, assistance dogs, guide dogs, Guiding Dogs for the Blind, internet cookies, Puppy with a Purpose, service animals, service dogs

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/16/2017

It is so easy to get caught up in all the things that are involved in day-to-life with visual impairment but don’t forget to…

Stop & Smell the Roses

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: extraordinary things, mindfulness, stop & smell the roses

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at


Sue’s New Page 7/15/2017

Here’s Sue’s first paragraph: “We recently had a reader ask how it is possible to maintain hope, faith and optimism, etc. when “everything” is slipping away. She stated she does not want this disease because she had watched it “destroy” others. Her friends do not want to associate with her because of the “doom” she is facing.” This is Sue’s page of thoughts & experiences, including the advice to put…

One Foot in Front of the Other

  • Categories: Diagnosis: Newly Diagnosed, Self Help: Anxiety, Depression, Sue’s Musings
  • Keywords: anxiety, coping, depression, fear, future, hope, optimism

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at



Sue’s New Page 7/14/2017

Sue’s an avid reader, always has been.  She continues to read by taking advantage of low vision options for books and for magazines.  She’s found the options that are available for the magazines that she has subscribed to for years.

Get Your Magazines

  • Categories: Sue’s Musings, Technology, Tips for living with low vision
  • Keywords: BARD, magazines, Nat Geo Traveler, National Geographic, Reader’s Digest

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at

Sue’s New Page 7/13/2017

In addition to sharing her recommendations for good books and where to get them, Sue tells us about research using the eyes of pigs to study drusen.  And if you’ve heard this expression, you can now find out where it came from…

In a Pig’s Eye

  • Categories: Research, Sue’s Musings
  • Keywords: audio books, audiobooks, BARD, books, Bruch’s membrane, pig, research, retinal pigment epithelium, RPE

Do you have any suggestions for other categories or keywords?  Let me know in a comment here or send me an email at