Sometimes Sue needs some time to share some ‘odds & ends’.
Category: Sue’s New Page
Sue’s New Page 8/23/2016
I’ve been trying to publish one of Sue’s pages every other day. This time, it’s been more than that and I am sorry. It is certainly not for LACK of pages because Sue keeps writing and writing and writing! The woman is wearing me out! Just kidding about that last part but she IS doing a lot of writing which is GREAT! My husband and I are having much-need and much-delayed things done around the house and it is taking more of my time than anticipated. Hopefully, we’ll be done soon.
Sue doesn’t always notice that there are comments posted on pages but I do share each and every one of them with her (I actually have to approve comments before I post them). This is her response.
Sue’s New Page 8/19/2016
Need a little pep talk?
Sue’s New Page 8/17/2016
There is an amazing number of assistive technology devices and apps, here are a few that got Sue’s attention.
Sue’s New Page 8/15/2016
Sue sometimes had problems finding things. Now, with low vision, it happens more often and is more frustrating. Where are her things going? Maybe to ….
Sue’s New Page 8/13/2016
Sue discovers
Sue’s New Page 8/9/2016
Do you talk to yourself? I live with someone who does and there are times when I wonder who he is talking to! Sue assures us that not only is it OK, but it can be therapeutic.
Sue’s New Page 8/3/2016
Sue’s not used to staying in one place especially for the Summer. It’s time for her to fix that.
Sue’s New Page 8/1/2016
This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post about Sue’s 100th page (About Our Project).
Sue’s New Page 7/30/2016
You may have noticed that Sue loves quotes & she knows a lot of them.
Sue’s New Page 7/26/2016
One of the risks those with impaired vision face is that of falls. AMD affects depth perception, balance, peripheral vision and the ability to see contrast and color. Sue tells us how yoga can help improve your balance and reduce the risk of falls.
Sue’s New Page 7/24/2016
Have you found that it’s harder to deal with mistakes now that your vision has become poor? Do you have more self-doubt? Sue has and she shares what it takes to not let this paralyze you.
Sue’s New Page 7/21/2016
We love it when you leave comments on our pages and posts. Sue addresses the most recent one and offers Cookie Monster some advice.
Sue’s New Page 7/19/2016
How much time do you have on your hands especially if you are dealing with low vision? How do you decide what to do with that time? Sue gives us some advice from DBT.
Sue’s New Page 7/16/2016
It’s no secret at this point that Sue is a social creature. She has many friends, several places where she works and two or three exercise classes that she attends each week. These are her priorities and sometimes she has to go to people with demands to help fulfill them. How does she keep from this becoming a problem?
Sue’s New Page 7/12/2016
Sue started writing her journal pages for reasons she tells us here. She encourages you to start journaling if you don’t already do that. We also would LOVE to have YOU write for our website. The guidelines are included in her page. The more the merrier!
Sue’s New Page 7/9/2016
Sue does read your comments. Here’s her answer to someone who recently commented that they hoped she’d talk more about this.
Sue’s New Page 7/7/2016
Sue continues with DBT concepts. Curious about this one?
Sue’s New Page 7/5/2016
Sue’s been sharing DBT concepts with us. In this installment, she talks about being mindful which is something I have a problem with! I find that this breathing method helps me a lot.
Sue’s New Page 7/3/2016
Dealing with vision loss is exhausting. There is much more planning that needs to be done, for one thing. Sue shares one example of this.
Sue’s New Page 6/30/2016
Everywhere I turn these days I hear this quote. What exactly does it mean?
Sue’s New Page 6/28/2016
Wonder what cheese has to do with low vision? You’ll find out in Sue’s new page.
Sue’s New Page 6/25/2016
There are some days when our minds are focused on the many concerns we have. Sue’s advice is to find something positive to distract you.
Sue’s New Page 6/23/2016
If you are having or had problems with this post, I’m blaming it on ‘technical difficulties’. Sometimes that means that I did something wrong and I’m just trying to cover it up. I’ll admit it, I made a mistake which I hope is now fixed or at least it should be!
One of the challenges that Sue has had, and most of you have had, is that there is a lot of planning ahead involved in maintaining a ‘normal’ life. A lot of the things she used to do just don’t work anymore. She can’t just jump into the car and go to Wendy’s for lunch if there’s nothing much to eat in the house.
Sue’s New Page 6/21/2016
You’ve heard the expression “It takes a village.” For Sue to continue with the activities of her life – to work in several different locations and to attend her exercise classes – that is certainly true. Luckily, she has one!