Sue’s New Page 8/23/2016

I’ve been trying to publish one of Sue’s pages every other day.  This time, it’s been more than that and I am sorry.  It is certainly not for LACK of pages because Sue keeps writing and writing and writing!  The woman is wearing me out! Just kidding about that last part but she IS doing a lot of writing which is GREAT!  My husband and I are having much-need and much-delayed things done around the house and it is taking more of my time than anticipated.  Hopefully, we’ll be done soon.

Sue doesn’t always notice that there are comments posted on pages but I do share each and every one of them with her (I actually have to approve comments before I post them).  This is her response.

Your Cards and Letters

Sue’s New Page 6/23/2016

If you are having or had problems with this post, I’m blaming it on ‘technical difficulties’. Sometimes that means that I did something wrong and I’m just trying to cover it up.  I’ll admit it, I made a mistake which I hope is now fixed or at least it should be!

One of the challenges that Sue has had, and most of you have had, is that there is a lot of planning ahead involved in maintaining a ‘normal’ life. A lot of the things she used to do just don’t work anymore.  She can’t just jump into the car and go to Wendy’s for lunch if there’s nothing much to eat in the house.

Planning Ahead