Hi. I got a call from my BVS case worker today. He wants to come out and bring his supervisor to meet me. Apparently it is annual review time and I am to be an example of his good work.
I don’t mind. I can put on a dog and pony show with the best of them. Also my case worker is a good guy and I have no reason not to cooperate. He has been infinitely helpful to me.
My question was “why me?”. The response was “you are using what you were given.” Well, yeah, isn’t that why I have it?
I know better, I really do, but I always think using what you are given is a no brainer. I think “doesn’t everyone do that?” Of course they don’t, silly girl.
Not using what you are given has been a problem for a long time. For those of you of the Christian persuasion, do you remember the three servants and the talents? It’s Matthew 25: 14 -30. The master was peeved at the servant who buried his coins and did not use them to good advantage.
Why would that happen? Looking online I discovered a list of a few reasons students don’t use assistive technology (in the article Resistance is Futile). I think these reasons might apply to some of us older folks as well.
Some of the reason may be poor training or a feeling you are somehow cheating. It may be using the technology seems like too much work or you had a bad experience and technology is really scary.
There is also the grief factor. Loss is tough and some people get willful. Somehow they believe if they give in and use technology and other assistive devices they have admitted defeat. Admitted they are handicapped.
Willfulness can be nasty business. It not only stops you in your tracks but it – admit it – makes you look pretty dumb.
There you are staring at something that will make your life ten times easier and you are refusing to use it! Really????? What is up with that?
Once again, accepting reality does not eliminate the pain but it does eliminate the suffering. I am still going blind. I am just going blind more comfortably and more productively than people who reject help.
My case worker asked me why I have embraced the technology. My answer: the alternative sucks more. (DBT alert. Comparison skill there.)
So there you are. I am to be the client he shows off because I use what I was given. I still think of that as a no brainer. How about you?