Now What?

There is a Zen saying I came upon: “Leap and the net will appear.” It, of course, speaks to faith, faith in yourself, faith in the Universe and faith in a Higher Power. I am leaping and I am scared to death.

Today is the last day of my school job. I woke up at 2 am in a panic. I have had this job since 1978! Even though I have been planning for “now what”, I still keep thinking “now what?”.

“Now what” is a momentous question. It contains a whole lot of stuff. The Buddha said (and no, this is not a Buddhist blog. I just keep coming upon Buddhist quotes and they resonate. If you have a Bible quote or a Quran quote that applies, please share). Anyway, to start again, the Buddha said suffering comes from holding on to what you can no longer have, to what you don’t have, to what you can never have. Some Westerner boiled it down to “happiness is wanting what you have.”

Okay, so letting go and moving on can reduce suffering to pain. I am trying hard to pull my fingers off from around holding on to what I no longer have. Think this is easy? Try it sometime……oh, wait. You have!

I suspect just about everyone who is reading this has macular degeneration. After all, that is what this site is supposed to be all about. (And yes, I recognize I go off on major tangents more than I truly should). I also suspect every one of you has asked the question “Now what?” Now what after a sight loss, now what after leaving a job, now what after losing a driver’s license.

The problem is, I can barely answer that question for myself. How in the name of all that is Holy can I expect to answer it for you? Nope. You are sort of on your own there.

What I can tell you is there is only suffering from holding on to what you don’t have. A very wise man said that several thousand years ago. Moving on is the way out of the pain.

So, we leap. We are not sure there is a net there. We trust there will be…or we weave one for ourselves on the way down.

We don’t have to be brave. We don’t have to deny the pain. Hell, I have been in tears half of the day. All we have to do is have the faith to jump. We will be saved.

Leap and the net will appear.

[Lin/Linda: I, too, am leaping.  After quite a few years of not being employed and at age 65, I leaped into a profession I knew nothing about, one where I will be held to high standards, one that I may not be able to continue due to my physical restrictions. Is there a net? I hope so!  We are all on this journey called life together!]

Written June 6th, 2018

Next: Patience…or Not
