Done. Had it. Not a good day.
Now I know Lin will gently (or not!) chastise me for this, but I absolutely hate all of the nonsense that came with leaving my school job today. Let me quietly walk out the door just like I have done hundreds of times before. Fanfare not required…I should have been so lucky. And no, I don’t think a picture of me with the cake is appropriate for the district website! Jeez. [Lin/Linda: I’ll comment gently about her last day at the end of the page. Don’t want to interrupt her story.]
Then I tried to charge my phone and it did not charge. I don’t know about you guys’ or you girls’ husbands but my husband does not consider a broken cell phone a disaster. He considers it a blessing….and he is my transportation to the phone store!!!
I have been trying to train myself to be patient ever since I lost my central vision and ability to drive. I keep reminding myself I now need to consider the priorities of others. My husband sees no value in technology and definitely feels I should not need to be in 24-hour contact with the world. It is understandable he would not see the crisis in a broken cell phone. I should honor his decision not to jump up and run me to the phone store on demand. I should be patient. Yeah, right. I am obsessing even as we “speak”.
Then I caught Maggie red-pawed dumping the trash can. Enuf said.
Then, I got an email from my CCTV company. Once again I have a mechanical problem with my machine. This time, however, things are not going smoothly. The company no longer provides loaners. Diagnosis, ordering parts and getting my machine fixed will possibly take a month.
A MONTH?!?!? Excuse me. A month, you said? Why, oh my goodness?, dear, exactly how will I function for a month?
So, once again I am on a quest. There has to be another way to get a simple repair. And barring getting a simple repair, there has to be a way to get another CCTV for that month.
I am going to start by going right to the top! I found the number for the National Federation of the Blind. Tomorrow morning I am going to call and ask if they have any ideas. Somewhere there has to be equipment to rent for just this sort of emergency. There has to be something available.
I tried calling this evening but apparently, NFB offices keep sane hours. They were not open for the crazy lady who wanted to solve at least one of her issues, like, right now!
Have you ever called NFB? The nice recorded lady says something like…”It is not blindness that is holding you back”. Great sentiment, but I wanted to scream something about what is holding me back is no one wanting to do things my way! Probably not appropriate; huh? Thought not.
So, yeah, it was not a good day. I am cranky and irritable and emotional drained. Would it be too much to ask to have just one thing today be done my way? Yep. Kinda thought that. Better luck tomorrow.
PS Do any of you lovely people have an answer to the CCTV repairs dilemma? I keep thinking there has to be a better solution. Thanks!
Written June 6th, 2018
[Lin/Linda: Okay, I’m here with what I told Sue about the retirement festivities. What she above calls ‘nonsense’ is tradition, a rite of passage, for all gathered together, not just for her. It’s a way of acknowledging the retiree’s worth to the group. It’s also something that many people look forward to for themselves when the time comes. Bottom line: sometimes we have to put up with ‘nonsense’ to make other people happy. Was that gentle enough? ::grin::]