New Guest Author Pages 9/25/2019

Website follower, active Facebook group member, and our ace reporter Joann Davis recently attended the seminar ‘Your Eye Sight Matters! 2019’ in Skokie, IL, on September 21st, 2019 . This is one of several awareness programs organized by the Macular Degeneration Association. These seminars are held in various locations in the US.  She’s written 2 pages for us about what she learned.  Thanks Joann!

Sept. 2019 Our Cub Reporter: Notes from an Awareness Program by Joann Davis

Other Guest Author Pages

Read the pages written by our Guest Authors and then write your own! It’s easy, just write your words and send them to me. I’ll edit them and format them into a page and pages.  Hearing the voices of others reminds us that we are not alone!

If you don’t want to write something long, how about sharing a short statement of advice for those who are new to the diagnosis.  I’ll make a webpage of them.

Send your story or advice to me at