Sept. 2019 – Our Cub Reporter: Notes from an Awareness Program by Joann Davis

Your “Our Macular Degeneration Journey” Cub Reporter attended today’s Macular Degeneration Association “Eyes on Sight” seminar in Skokie, IL.  It was well-attended with sponsors offering resources for those with AMD. One big difference from the seminar I attended in 2018, is that ArcticDX is no longer a presenter, and the Founder of the Macular Degeneration Association now states that because the professional associations do not endorse genetic testing or zinc harm, the association can no longer endorse ArcticDX.  This seminar now follows the “Take AREDS2” advice for all with moderate dry AMD and seem to recommend it for all with AMD period.

Larry Hoffheimer  is the founder of the Macular Degeneration Association, a nonprofit which supports AMD Research and Education.  He is a former healthcare attorney and was diagnosed with Wet AMD a year ago.

The main speaker was Dr. Joshua Mali, Medical Director of the association, Larry’s doctor, and an ophthalmologist  and retinal specialist.  

Top 5 Things to Know about Macular Degeneration:

  1.  AMD is a growing problem and the leading cause of vision loss for those over 50 in the Western World.  Dr. Mali discussed the anatomy of the eye.
  2. AMD comes in two flavors – Dry and Wet.  Dry AMD is caused by drusen or “bumps” under the retina which are deposits of waste material.  10-20% of dry AMD patients get Wet AMD. Wet AMD is caused by abnormal blood vessels which grow under the retina – under the “bumps” – and cause scarring.  An AMD patient with 1 wet eye has a 50% chance of a 2nd wet eye.  Advanced dry or GA (Geographic atrophy) is a complete breakdown of the center of the retina and loss of tissue.  It looks like a divot in the top layer of the macular tissue. Wet AMD is responsible for most vision loss.
  3. Risk Factors are Age, Genetics & Smoking.  Smoking is the biggest risk factor we can control and we should avoid second hand smoke and vaping.  Other causes are being Caucasian, UV exposure, diet, antioxidants, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.
  4. Treatment:  Treatment for Dry AMD consists of AREDS2 vitamins, Stop Smoking (also diet, exercise, sunglasses, blue blocking filters, and BS/BP/HPL control.)  Forseehome or Amsler Grid monitoring is very important. ForeseeHome is now reimbursed by Medicare and allows you to monitor more comprehensively at home.  When they did a study, they ended it early, because the benefits were so clear. In the NEI study, 94% of patients using ForeseeHome were able to keep their vision at 20/40 or better.  ForeseeHome uses AI and Telemedicine and it looks like a device for testing at the retina specialist’s office. You use a mouse to click on visual distortions and your doctor is instantly notified of any changes.  This must be prescribed by your doctor.
  5. Treatment for Wet AMD consists of Anti-VEGF Injections of Avastin, Lucentis & Eylea.  Treat and extend is the usual plan, starting with monthly injections.

We had an inspiring talk by a “Patient Ambassador” – Nancy – with Diabetic Macular Edema.  Nancy had a family full of diabetics and 8 kids. She took care of everyone else, weighed over 350 pounds, and almost quit her injections.  She has learned to take care of herself. Lost over 200 pounds, and her eyes are now stable.

Dr. Mali presented next on the Top 5 Things to Know about Diabetic Eye Disease.  Diabetic Eye Disease consists of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR – 21% of diabetics get this eventually) and Diabetic Macular Edema. (DME)

  1. Two Types of Diabetes – Type 1 and Type 2.  Sugar in the blood damages blood vessels all over the body, including the eyes.
  2. DR & DME are growing in prevalence as diabetes cases multiply.
  3. DR is caused by changes in blood vessels which cause fatty deposits and bleeding.  DME causes swelling and is the most common cause of vision loss among diabetics.
  4. DME Risk Factors are high blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. 
  5. DME Treatment was formerly only lasers, but now DME treatment is the same as Wet AMD treatment – Anti-VEGF injections.  Some laser treatment is still used as well as steroid injections. DR treatment is PRP laser treatment, steroids, Anti-VEGF injections and surgery for advanced retinal detachment.
Next: Page 2 of Our Cub Reporter: Notes from an Awareness Program