Sue has been writing about her journey since February 2016. About how things are now, she writes “The point is this: I am in a place that is almost the normal (and I use that word very tongue in cheek) me. I am living MY life. I am not living a pale substitute nor am I always settling for second or third best. My life is full. And I am doing it visually impaired.” At one point, Sue was concerned that she would run out of things to write about as her life settled into this ‘new normal’. I told her that would never happen and now she is saying…
Since she wrote this page, she HAS given me a few more. ::grin:: But soon there may not be a new page every day.
Start at the beginning…
Are these pages the first ones that you’ve read in Sue’s Journal of her Journey with AMD? We recommend that you read “In the Beginning”.