Keep an Open Mind

Hi! Looking for information on coping with vision loss I found an article that covered something called the Coping with Vision Loss Study. It was covered on the site.

The study was a small one (n=163) but it had a noble goal: to document the process of coping with vision loss. The information came from people who had gone through the process of vision loss. 45% had macular degeneration.

The study determined the most prevalent emotional reaction to the diagnosis of a condition that would cause vision loss was anxiety. Personally I do not need to ever have panic attacks like the ones I had ever again!

Even though anxiety was a major concern for the greatest number of people, it does not mean other, emotional problems were not present. A fair number of respondents were found to be dealing with moderate to severe depression.

Of course, since the study was about actually coping with vision loss, the emphasis was on factors and strategies for getting by and avoiding these adverse, emotional reactions. The study reported respondents had a variety of suggestions for doing this. These suggestions included seeking out the most competent specialists available as well as getting a second or even a third opinion, following doctors’ directions and connecting with others who have personal experience with vision loss.

These suggestions from the study respondents centered on personal responsibility and becoming your own, best advocate (as opposed to your own, worst enemy!) Be proactive about your life and your condition. Become knowledgeable about the condition. Get your questions answered. Monitor your own vision loss and seek out training so you can learn new skills to increase your independence.

Building support networks was another idea endorsed by the respondents. The respondents specifically mentioned family, friends, specialists and helpful community resources.

Community agencies were also listed as very important. Many agencies for the visually impaired can be helpful in finding support and educational resources as well as help you find the appropriate assistive technology.

Technology does not seem as appealing to the older generations as it does to younger folks. Yet respondents encouraged those who are new diagnosed to embrace the technology that is available. Competent use of iPads and magnifiers can significant improvement the quality of life for the visually impaired.

The article mentions a great many things we have talked about. It reviews the importance of proper lighting and contrast, for example. Finding someone who can help you with these sorts of things is important.

The list of recommendations from the study authors veers off into some things that are more personal and possibly even more essential for adjustment. The list includes things like being patient and gentle with yourself. Adaptation is not an overnight process, often grieving the loss is necessary before moving on. Take time to do so, but try not to get stuck in your grief.

I paint my pigheadedness as positive and call it persistence or fortitude. However, stubbornness can also be a bad thing when it keeps you from experimenting with technology or other strategies for living. The study suggested keeping an open mind and doing what is effective.

Which brings us to the last one I want to mention: there is more than one way to skin a cat (I reiterate: where did that saying come from? Did our ancestors spend that much time hanging out and trying various ways to skin cats? Yuck.) Find new ways to get things done. The idea the only right way of doing things is how I was taught at my father’s knee does no longer apply. Learn to be flexible and do what works.

There are other things that were discovered by the study, but those are the highlights as I saw them. Hope it was helpful!

Written Feb. 4th, 2018

Continue reading “Keep an Open Mind”

Be a Goose

I have always lived under the Atlantic flyway. Every Fall and Spring of my childhood, my father would call me outside to listen. The geese were migrating, flying high. In the Fall their call was the most mournful and forlorn thing I had ever heard. Funny how that same call in the Spring was so joyous and hopeful. The geese are going North! Winter is nearly done.

In real-time it is March. Walking the dog tonight I stopped to listen to two flocks. They were flying high. Headed north. Spring is on its way. Life and hope are coming to the North.

You can learn a lot from birds. Do you know why geese migrate in V formation? It turns out the V is aerodynamically efficient and conserves the energy of the individual birds. Another fact is geese take turns flying point. Cutting the path is tiring. When the lead bird is weary, he drops back and another goose takes the job. Teamwork at its finest.

End of ornithology lesson.

Started reading an article on suicide for continuing education credits. (Geese and suicide all in one page? Hold on. I will tie them in.) I am only about a third of the way through the article but have already picked up a few interesting points. For example, the highest risk group for suicide is between 45 and 65. The next most vulnerable age group is the over 85 group. That sounds like the ages of many of us.

Chronic illness is a factor in suicidality. While pain is closely aligned with thoughts of suicide, suicidal ideation also increases if people believe they are a burden or if there is a traumatic event. Like vision loss, for example.

The rate of accomplished suicides is higher in the elderly. One more thing age and experience has taught us to be better at. Yikes.

Other factors listed by Van Orden et al are things like living alone, mental illness and grief. Also listed were frailty and a generation bias against seeking treatment for mental health.

Another thing I learned was not surprising but definitely worth mentioning. Social support and connectiveness decreases the risks of suicide. Having a social network of supportive people is protective.

Which circles me right back around to geese! Geese migrate successfully because they do it as a flock. They help one another out by trading off who is on point when they fly. Another thing I did not mention, about a flock on the ground. Have you watched them? Did you notice there is always at least one head up, looking around and on guard? (Alright, so I  lied. The ornithology lesson was not quite over.)

Page points are: 1) in Spring, geese are a sign of renewal and hope. Also they are an excellent example of animals working together for the good of all.

2) Older people with chronic conditions are at greater risk for suicide. Social connections are an excellent protective factor.

3) Be a goose. Have hope. Get social support.

Told ya I could tie them together!?
Continue reading “Be a Goose”

News: September 17-18-19, 2016

These are the links shared in the Facebook group for these date.


June 2023 There’s an announcement that since Sue has not written any new journal pages for some time, the site has been archived until we can decide if the work necessary to make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date can be made. In the meantime, you’ll get some pages ‘not found’ or ‘private’ until that decision has been made. The emphasis for several years has been on the Facebook group.

2/14/2022 Because of the rapid and constant growth of our Facebook group, I cannot keep this list updated.  I have a large amount of information available in the Facebook group in Guides which are like chapters in a book or lessons in a course. Plus, in 3 years, the amount of information in the posts and comments is quite substantial. I recommend that you join us there where you can get the information and the support to help you in your journey.  Thanks for understanding. Hope to see you there! Lin/Linda…
I’ve added some pages from that group that might be of interest to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for the list of Frequently Asked Questions from our Facebook group.

AREDS2-based Supplements

There are several pages on the site that explain what AREDS2 means and who the AREDS2-based products are for. Click here to go to a list of articles.

AREDS2-based Supplements With 0 or 25mg of Zinc

Click here for the list.


There are a lot of links here.  I’ve set up this page so that when you click on a link (words that are underlined & in blue or green), a NEW tab will open in your browser and this page STAYS WHERE IT IS.  When you are done with the new page you opened, just close it.  You do NOT need to use the back option.  If you click on a link and the new page replaces this one, I’VE MADE A MISTAKE so please let me know by sending me an email at  Let me know exactly which link or links do not open a new tab or window.

Errors: If you click on a link and you get a ‘page not found’ error, please let me know by sending me an email at  Let me know exactly which link or links do not open a new tab or window.

Additions: If you have a link you’d like to add, please email at

Topics-click below to move to a topic

Links We Like

  • Click here for a GREAT resource where you answer some simple questions and you get a customized guide based on your responses
  • Click here for a great glossary
  • Click here for Low Vision Resources: A List of Lists (such as 8 ways to slow AMD, 15 tips for family and friends, etc)
  • Videos
    • Click here for several videos
    • Click here for the UK Macular Society’s Say Hello to Mac
    • Click here for one that uses illustrations and animation (explains how wet AMD progresses and how the injections work)
  • Click here for a description of dry vs. wet AMD (we are not recommending any products in this article)
  • Click here for an article about depression after diagnosis
  • Click here for a very comprehensive page about wet AMD
  • Click here for a very comprehensive page about dry AMD
  • Click here for a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that answers a long list of questions such as ‘will resting help my eyes?’, ‘Can I see for myself if my retina or macula shows any signs of damage before I have symptoms?’, ‘why don’t new eye glasses help?’, ‘what is meant by degeneration?’, ‘is a macular hole the same as macular degeneration’, ‘I have had dry MD for years. Does this mean I’m going to get wet MD too?’, ‘No one else in my family has MD. Why did I get it?’, ‘can drusen be treated?’, ‘I have changes on the Amsler Grid, does this mean I have MD’, ‘I have Wet MD but my Doctor says there is nothing he can do or no treatment available. Why is this?’
  • Click here for a short introduction to stems cells, what they are and how they can be used.

See what vision is like at the various stages of AMD

Click here to find ways to see simulations of what vision loss due to AMD is like at various stages.


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Websites devoted to AMD and Other Forms of Macular Degeneration

listed in no particular order

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Websites containing information about AMD and Other Forms of Macular Degeneration

listed in no particular order

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I’ve not been able to verify if these are kept up to date. Let me know if you find that they are not or if you have one  you’d like to add.

Message Boards including ones from
By postal mail

I don’t know if these are still accurate.

  • Association for Macular Diseases
    210 E. 64th Street
    New York, NY 10021
    (212) 605-3719
    – Offers education and information on macular disease through seminars, newsletters, and a hotline. Offers counseling to patients and their families.
  • Macular Degeneration International
    is now a part of Foundation Fighting Blindness
    Toll Free Helpline 1-800-683-5555
    – Provides support for people affected by inherited macular degeneration including Stargardt’s disease.
Start Your Own
  • Vision Support Group-download video presentations  This group provides free information and support through presentations to groups of senior adults affected by macular degeneration and related retinal diseases.  You can join & get access to their materials so you can use them in your own group.
On the phone/telesupport

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Where to find services

  • In the US: click here to find a low vision center, retina specialist, state agency, ophthalmologist
  • In the UK: click here to support services (listed on the right side of the page) such as skills for seeing, counseling, access to treatment…and more
  • In the US: click here to search for a wide variety of services (more than the link above)
  • In Australia: click here to find an ophthalmologist and optometrist
  • Worldwide: click here for resources worldwide

Resources for Students

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Books and reading materials

Specific Titles

Sources of Books

Formats: Braille, large print, e-book and audiobooks

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Personal stories of living with AMD

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Online newsletters

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What is AMD?

Wet Form
Dry Form
How fast does AMD progress?
  • A good article about how difficult this is to answer
  • Great video that explains why early detection is important especially when detecting the change from dry AMD to wet

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What is Stargardt’s Disease?

Also called Stargardt’s Disease (SD) or Stargardt Macular Dystrophy (SMD) or Juvenile Macular Degeneration (JMD), it’s an inherited, juvenile macular degeneration. The progressive vision loss associated with Stargardt disease is caused by the death of photoreceptor cells in the central portion of the retina called the macula.

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The Science Stuff

Role of RPEs

Geographic Atrophy

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Charles Bonnet Syndrome/Visual hallucinations

Other problems with vision & AMD

  • problems with visual acuity, photostress, blindspots, color vision, sensitivity to light, depth perception
  • eye problems that have similar symptoms as AMD:

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Risk factors


  • Age is a large factor but can start earlier
  • Much less common are several hereditary forms of macular degeneration, which usually affect children or teenagers. Collectively, they are called Juvenile Macular Degeneration. They include Best’s Disease, Stargardt’s Disease, Sorsby’s Disease and some others.  See Stargard’s Disease section above.

Diet/nutrition (working on this section)

  • diet low in various nutrients & high in others have been linked to AMD.
  • See Nutrition and Vitamins/Supplements under Self-care/self-maintenance below.



  • AMD more common in women perhaps because women live longer than men

Uncontrolled high blood pressure

Uncontrolled high cholesterol


Blue Light

Eye Color

Aspirin & other medications

Other possible causes

  • Biological Process in Wet AMD – some evidence that the photoreceptors are starved by the lack of food (oxygen & nutrients in the blood) and the growth of blood vessels is to compensate for that.

Connection between AMD and Alzheimer’s Disease

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  • FDA approved options in the US, injections, implantable telescopes, laser treatment (also outside the US)
Injections for Wet AMD
Telescopic implants
Are there new treatments in the pipeline?
Vitamins (see Self Maintenance/Self Care section below)

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Research/Clinical trials


How can I become a part of a clinical trial?

  • A list of sources of information about clinical trials and how to find out for you to participate in.
  • You can search for clinical trials from the links above
  • There are registries where you sign up and enter information about the status of your eyes.  Researchers will use this information to find people that match their research and contact you.  Click here for more information about these registries in the US and elsewhere

Gene Therapy

Bionic Eye/Retinal Implants

  • What is a bionic eye?  It’s also called retinal implant or retinal prosthesis.   Implant is put in retina, camera worn by person sends image to implant which stimulates optic nerve
  • Click here for overview of retinal implants including videos of how it works & interviews with people who have them.
  • March 21, 2016 UK Bionic eye being tested
  • Here’s an article about one being developed at Carnegie Mellon institute in Pittsburgh, PA.

Nutritional Supplements

  • See Vitamins/Supplements section below.

Stem Cells

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Coping with low vision

Low Vision Aids

Wearable Technology

  • coming soon!

Suppliers of low vision aids

Financial Help




  • A website for the US where you enter your zip code and transportation options for your area will be shown.

Bioptic Driving


Checking vision

Amsler Grid

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Self maintenance/self care

Low vision rehabilitation





More to come, you can check out these posts now

Video: Overview of Assistive Technology for People with Low Vision

Highlight: How do I use Zoom for Apple products?

Highlight: What about Apple’s accessibility features?

News: Top 10 Low Vision Aids for AMD


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