Sue has found that since she had to stop driving arranging transportation has become a BIG problem. It’s hard to deal with the frustrations when things don’t work out the way you plan. She gives us some hints that can help.
News: Sept. 3-4, 2016
These are links that I shared with the Facebook group for these days.
Sue’s New Page 9/4/2016
Sue has embraced technology so that she can continue to live and work as best she can with her current vision. Why? She shares the answer to that and also gives us some insight as to why some people don’t use technology. Her BVS caseworker asked her to demonstrate her competency with assistive technology to his supervisor (it’s annual review time).
News: Sept. 1-2, 2016
- Coping
- Recently diagnosed? Create a personalized guide with information and resources
- Why is sunlight bad for me? What can I do to protect myself?
- Why should I be concerned about blue light?
- Several countries have issued/are issuing bank notes/paper money with tactile information for blind and low vision individuals:
- Types of magnifiers
- UK: Macular Society 2016 London Conferences for individuals and professionals, Sept. 24th.
- Accessible options for Uber
- Risk factors for AMD
- Nutrition
- Technology
- Advocacy
Sue’s New Page 9/2/2016
What do you do when you are stressed? Sue talks again about mindfulness and how different cultures/religions use prayer and meditation. That’s where these folks come in.
News: August 30-31, 2016
- For the newly diagnosed
- Help your loved ones with eye problems
- Coping
- Technology
Sue’s New Page 8/31/2016
There are some days when Sue has things that just don’t work out well. She re-frames the situations and things turn out to be OK. So where’s the pony, you ask?
News: August 27-29, 2016
- About AMD with a link to research
- Free eye tests in Scotland
- Know who in your family has AMD
- Helpful links
- Nutrition
- Coping
- Treatments
Sue’s New Page 8/29/2016
Do you, at times, blame yourself for having developed AMD? Do you try to figure out what you may have done or didn’t do to prevent it? Sue talks about how important self forgiveness is. You’ll have to read the page to find out what this has to do with…
News: August 25-26, 2016
Sue’s New Page 8/27/2016
Do you find that you go on with your life from day to day only doing things that you are comfortable with? I think we all do at times. Sue shares an experience where she tries something that she’s done before but not since her vision has declined.
News: August 23-24, 2016
- Closer look at AMD
- New campaign: #HowEyeSeeIt
- London conference 2016: Sept 24th
- Research
- Technology
- Coping
Sue’s New Page 8/25/2016
Sometimes Sue needs some time to share some ‘odds & ends’.
News: August 20-22, 2016
- ThinkUV campaign
- Other age-related eye disorders
- How effective are AMD treatments?
- People with low vision
- Nutrition
- Coping
- Low vision photographers:
- Low vision artists
- Research
Sue’s New Page 8/23/2016
I’ve been trying to publish one of Sue’s pages every other day. This time, it’s been more than that and I am sorry. It is certainly not for LACK of pages because Sue keeps writing and writing and writing! The woman is wearing me out! Just kidding about that last part but she IS doing a lot of writing which is GREAT! My husband and I are having much-need and much-delayed things done around the house and it is taking more of my time than anticipated. Hopefully, we’ll be done soon.
Sue doesn’t always notice that there are comments posted on pages but I do share each and every one of them with her (I actually have to approve comments before I post them). This is her response.
News: August 18-19, 2016
- Canada: VisionQuest 2016 starts October 1, 2016
- Video: Meet Mac!
- Research
- Technology
- Coping
Sue’s New Page 8/19/2016
Need a little pep talk?
News: August 15-17, 2016
- Coping
- Research
- Technology
Sue’s New Page 8/17/2016
There is an amazing number of assistive technology devices and apps, here are a few that got Sue’s attention.
News: August 13-14, 2016
Sue’s New Page 8/15/2016
Sue sometimes had problems finding things. Now, with low vision, it happens more often and is more frustrating. Where are her things going? Maybe to ….
Sue’s New Page 8/13/2016
Sue discovers
Sue’s New Page 8/11/2016
There are so many things that we take for granted, one of them is the convenience of getting into the car and driving to the grocery store. Sue tells us that we need to work on our planning skills & gives us some options for getting our eggs and milk.
News: August 4-8, 2016
Sue’s New Page 8/9/2016
Do you talk to yourself? I live with someone who does and there are times when I wonder who he is talking to! Sue assures us that not only is it OK, but it can be therapeutic.