Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 5 and Final

Continued from part 4

Comment 10: Should The Moores Take a LMZ Supplement?

Looks like it would be of benefit to us since:

  1. We are not confident that our diets give us enough LMZ.

  2. We don’t know if our macular pigment and level of carotenoids in the brain are sufficient, which is what this research has shown to be important in reducing our risks of both AMD and Alzheimer’s

Can’t We Just “Pop a Pill”?

Taking a supplement is NOT a substitute for eye- and brain-healthy eating. We will still be eating our leafy green vegetables and colorful fruits and vegetables and other eye-healthy foods to get the other nutrients we need such as Vitamins A, B, C, and E (we were found to be deficient in D so we each take a Vitamin D supplements) and the other essential nutrients. We eat healthy plant-based foods and wild-caught salmon 2 or 3 times a week to get our Omega-3 fatty acids.

First Things First

There are always 2 concerns when considering any supplement:

• Are the ingredients generally safe to take & specifically safe based on one’s medical history & use of medications?
• If they are, which product is the best one as verified by one or more respected, independent testing labs?

Are the Ingredients Safe for Each of Us?

You should ALWAYS talk to your medical doctor before starting a supplement, especially if you have other diseases and take medications. We have different GPs, and we’ve been in touch with them. No problem.

Here are the 2 things I always look for:

  • Are there interactions with the medications we take and the diseases we have? I checked and I checked each of the 3 carotenoids. No interactions for either of us. There are very few issues for anyone, but check it out for yourself.

The 20 years of this research has shown these 3 carotenoids are very safe. There is research to back that up, but it’s beyond the scope of this post.

Comment 11. Which Brand?

I came to this stage in my research feeling confident that taking LMZ was safe for both my husband and me. I had also, to the best of my ability, gone through the research done by Dr. Nolan and his colleagues and felt confident that it met my criteria for solid, scientific research (according to the criteria I listed in Comment 4.)

The next step was to confirm which product was used in Dr. Nolan’s research. It’s what’s currently in the products MacuHealth (available in the US & Canada) and MacuPrime (UK & Europe).

If you watched the ‘Preventing Macular Degeneration Through Science’ video I posted last week (you did, right? ::smile::) you heard Dr. Kerry Gelb say he takes the MacuHealth product when he interviewed Dr. Nolan. Dr. Nolan said he takes it, his wife takes it, and his young daughter sometimes does as well. He and his family have since switched to MacuPrime.


If you read the 2014 scientific paper from the CREST trials (you did, didn’t you? ::smile::), you’ll see the product listed as MacuShield. There’s a LOT of confusion about that! I reached out to Dr. Nolan who apologized for it (though it certainly was not his fault). At that time, the company that commercialized the formulation available to Dr. Nolan in the UK was MacuVision Europe, and they branded it as MacuShield. The company was then sold to Alliance Pharma who did not continue with the same formula that was tested. The company in the US that had the world rights to the formulation at the time of the study was MacuHealth (founded in 2006) and the product was then and still is MacuHealth.

Any research after this change in companies was with MacuHealth.


Currently, MacuShield is a product only licensed in the UK and Europe. It is a TOTALLY different product than MacuHealth. I confirmed that in an email to the MacuShield company. They were very good and replied clearly & quickly. To be clear (again), MacuShield is NOT the product recommended here.

Bottom Line

MacuHealth products in the US and Canada and MacuPrime products in the UK and Europe are the products that contain the formulation used in Dr. Nolan’s research.

For those who are good candidates for an AREDS2-based formulation, there’s MacuHealth Plus and MacuPrime Plus. For everyone else, it’s just MacuHealth and MacuPrime.

For those who want an AREDS2-based formulation with 0 zinc, you can take MacuHealth/MacuPrime with LMZ and add 500 Vitamin C and 400 IUs Vitamin E separately. That’s the whole AREDS2 formulation.

Please remember my cautions for some of you who are or will be taking an AREDS2-based supplement – those of you with other diseases and who take medications. Please talk to your medical doctor before you start because the doses of Vitamin C and E in the AREDS2 formulation may be too high for you.

Comment 12: More Validation

I could have stopped there, but I wanted to make sure that I did everything for this product that I do for all supplements I choose to take.

Independent Testing

Of course, knowing that others take a product, especially if it’s the researchers themselves, is important, but so is independent analysis of a product.

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports, a U.S. independent, non-profit organization recommends that since the FDA does not regulate food supplements in the US, it’s important to look for independent labs that test the products to make sure that what is on the label is in it.

My ‘go to’ independent lab, one recommended by Consumer Reports, is of which I’m a member. THEY are confused, too! Even though they are a U.S. company, they tested MacuShield, but not MacuHealth! I emailed them, and they replied that they DO know of the confusion and are working to resolve and report in it. I’m watching for their update.

NSF International

Another source of independent testing referred to by Consumer Reports is NSF International (it was originally the National Sanitation Foundation). The NSF has tested and certified  MacuHealth products (you can see what that means in the Consumer Reports Article above).

Supplement Certified

Another certification they have is ‘Supplement Certified,’ another independent lab that I referred to earlier. It’s a new project from Dr. Nolan’s Nutrition Research Centre Ireland (NRCI).

Company Responsibility

If you listened to the podcast I referred to in Comment 3 (you did, didn’t you? ::smile::), you heard the story of how in one of Dr. Nolan’s clinical trials, when they used an early formulation with just lutein, they unexpectedly found meso-zeaxanthin in it. The trial was stopped, and the company stopped production and sales of the product for over a year. They did produce the new product and the trial continued.

Why Does It Matter?

So if a product has all 3 carotenoids (there are a few), what difference does it make which product you buy?

The lutein in ANY a product probably comes from marigolds. Where the marigolds are grown, what farming methods are used, and how it is processed is important. The processing creates the lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin that goes into the tablet or capsule that a person takes. The marigolds used for MacuHealth come from the same fields in Mexico and are tightly managed for specific best-farming methods.

In 2020, Dr. Nolan and colleagues did research (COAST study) to validate a new production method called Micro-Micelle(tm) that MacuHealth uses to make sure the LMZ has the highest possible bioavailability which means how well a substance is able to get into our circulation, to get to the target area, and to do what it’s intended to do. They confirmed that when they take the carotenoids in their ‘free’ form as in the original MacuHealth products, and enhance their stability plus use an oil base because carotenoids are oil solvable, this new technology gives you the best absorption of LMZ.

Read Reviews Online? Misinformation & Testimonials

I rarely do that (they are testimonials, after all), but out of curiosity I went to the Amazon listing for MacuHealth or MacuShield – can’t remember which, and found inaccurate information. Someone asked about MacuHealth and MacuShield: (paraphrasing) “are they the same?” and someone said “yes, they are. It’s the same company, but it’s called MacuHealth in the US and MacuShield in the UK.” WRONG! Yes, I told them that. ::smile::

Here’s another source of confusion. You CAN go to the Amazon US site and buy MacuShield. I emailed the MacuShield company about that since they’d told me they only have a license to distribute their product in the UK and Europe. The seller on Amazon US is a 3rd party distributor. If you purchase MacuShield through Amazon US, you will not get it right away because the 3rd party seller has to get it from the UK!

Got it?

Comment 13: A Beginning and The End

Whew!! Are you thinking, “All this to just pop a supplement? They’re ‘vitamins’ and as such, they can’t hurt!!”

If you’ve been with me long enough, you know how I react to that often-repeated opinion. They CAN and DO hurt SOME people.

However, having gone through this ENTIRE procedure which included talking to the researcher Dr. Nolan and others:

I CAN say that the research shows that taking LMZ in the MacuHealth and MacuPrime supplement is safe!

The Beginning

Change takes time. Making sure we’re getting the proper foods is work and a long-term commitment. We’ve only been taking MacuHealth for 2 months. We’ll be taking it for the rest of our lives.

As for us, I don’t expect to see quick improvements in our vision, but I certainly will be happy to have it be the best it can be as time goes on.

We both have issues with cognitive processing and memory (most likely due to medication), especially word retrieval which is a source of frequent ‘Charades’ (“You know, the thingie that you use for…whatever!”). Maybe someday we won’t have to spend so much time doing that! ::smile::

Not Pulling The Trigger

I started this with the sentence, “Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger!”

What I HOPE and PRAY I can do is come back in 10 years to say that neither of us have AMD or Alzheimer’s Disease!

The End!

If you’ve read this far, thanks so much! Please let me know if you have any questions.

Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Comment 3. Three (3) Carotenoids, Not Just 2!

I knew that antioxidants are important in battling oxidative stress, so I decided that I should go back to one area that doesn’t get much attention despite its 20-year history of solid research. You probably have heard about 2 of them: lutein and zeaxanthin. There’s a third antioxidant called meso-zeaxanthin.

About abbreviations: Meso-zeaxanthin is often abbreviated as M or Mz, lutein as L, zeaxanthin as Z. Sometimes you’ll see LMZ or LMZ3.


Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are called carotenoids. There are MANY others, including beta-carotene. They are pigments that give plants their yellow or orange color. When we eat plant foods, these pigments benefit the body in essential ways.

Macular Pigment

At the back of the eye, at the very center which is known as the macula, LMZ collectively join and concentrate to form a yellow pigment that is called macular pigment (MP). Macular pigment protects the macula from harmful blue light (because it is yellow and can filter out the blue) and provides antioxidants to keep the photoreceptors nourished & healthy to fight oxidative stress.

We Need All 3

The short story is that research has shown that even though there are about 700 carotenoids, only these 3 are found in our macula: LMZ. They have a synergistic effect on each other, which means we need all 3 of them, so they work at optimal levels. Pretty amazing that of all the carotenoids available from nature, the eye ‘chose’ these 3!

Eating Plant Foods

The important thing to know is that if we don’t eat plant foods, we won’t have macular pigment. A researcher quit eating plant foods for 21 days & had virtually no macular pigment at the end of that period. When he resumed a diet which included plants, his macular pigment recovered.

It also means that if we don’t eat a sufficient amount of plant foods, we don’t have sufficient macular pigment.

It also means that if we don’t eat the plants that contain these 3 carotenoids, we may not have sufficient macular pigment.

Healthy macular pigment, which protects, nourishes the photoreceptors and fights oxidative stress, comes from getting enough of these 3 carotenoids.

With me so far? I hope so!

Comment 4. What Is Meso-zeaxanthin? Why Is It Important? Show Me the Research!

So what is meso-zeaxanthin, and why is it important? To be honest, it depends on who you talk & listen to and what you read. Research frequently comes down to the stories of the people who conduct it. That’s certainly the case with my journey.

The path I followed began when I listened to a September 3rd, 2021, podcast interview with Dr. John Nolan who has been doing research into the 3 carotenoids for the last 20 years (I’ll give you the link in Comment 5). Since then, I have watched countless hours of video, listened to hours of podcasts, and read (or tried to read) LOTS of scientific papers. I have enough of a background, education, and confidence in the scientific method that I felt I was able to understand and assimilate what I needed to be able to follow the research.

Little did I know how MUCH there was, but I was determined to dig through as much of it as I could. That’s why it took so long!

I found that there are many others who were involved and are still involved – quite a multidisciplinary collection of people. I’ll be introducing you to some. These are professionals who have dedicated their careers to the study of macular pigment in the macula which is only about 5.5 mm in the size!

Dr. Nolan (often referred to as Professor Nolan) is not only a scientist & researcher but also a compelling speaker and effective educator. He makes it clear that he’s only one part of this multidisciplinary team that has evolved over his 20-year career. During that time, he became the author or one of the authors of over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. You can find all his articles at

In the Beginning

In 2005 in Ireland, John Nolan defended his PhD in Biochemistry on a Wednesday and left for the US on a Friday. He’d applied for and was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to study at the Medical College of Georgia. There he worked with researchers who were studying how lutein affects our eyes. [Personal note: My husband got his Occupational Therapy degree at Medical College of Georgia, although he wasn’t there at the same time. I’m always amazed at what a small world it is!]

When he returned to Ireland, he set up the Macular Pigment Research group at the Waterford Institute of Technology. There they began to collect a body of evidence that pointed to the macular pigment as critical to the health of our eyes and as an indication of the level of carotenoids in our brain.

In 2016, he set up the Nutrition Research Centre Ireland (NRCI) where he is the Director. They’re involved in numerous project including the new Supplement Certified program where they are testing supplements to certify that what is on the label is in the product. In 2021, they analyzed 47 nutritional supplements containing carotenoids and found that 64% did not meet the content described on their labels. They are also working with supplement companies, so they make sure that what’s on the label is indeed in the product. Since supplements aren’t regulated, this is welcome news! For more, go to.

Continuing Down the Path

There’s MUCH more to Dr. Nolan’s biography. I hope you’ve read what I wrote in the Events post (Facebook page) which is more complete.

Here are the reasons I chose to continue:

⁃ Dr. Nolan’s research is based on recognized scientific methodology, where the results are published in peer-reviewed journals. In the world of scientific research, there’s something called the ‘Hierarchy of Evidence.’ Although the details vary from country to country, Level 1 scientific evidence means it was obtained through randomized, controlled clinical trials. Dr. Nolan’s research has been Level 1.

⁃ He does not work alone. He repeats this over and over in his articles and interviews. He frequently refers to people he’s worked with over the years. This isn’t a ‘one man show.’

⁃ His research depends on objective measures of the levels of the carotenoids in blood, the macula, and the brain. He uses state-of-the-art equipment, equipment that has improved significantly over the years.

⁃ He does not work for any company exclusively. He has tested many supplement products. The main funding for his research comes mostly from government sources, including that of Ireland and the EU.

⁃ When he first started using an LMZ formulation from a specific company, it was with the agreement that he would publish the results no matter what they were. And he did!


Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 1

A Personal Message from Me, the Founder and Administrator of This Group. December 11th, 2021.

This began as a project for my Facebook Group founded in May 2016 to be an extension of this site. The day before I posted it, I decided that it should be here, too, for anyone who can benefit. I apologize about the ‘comment’ format. I hope it’s not too distracting.  – Linda Chernek Moore.

Who should read this?

Everyone who is concerned about eye and brain health:

• those with and without macular degeneration,
• those with and without cognitive problems, including Alzheimer’s Disease.

In my opinion, that means everyone here.

My Journey Story

I will – for the first time in over 5 years here – tell you what supplement my husband and I take and why. I will take you step-by-step through the process of how I came to select it for us.

This isn’t a sales pitch because I’m not actually promoting a product, I’m actually promoting good scientific research.

Why am I sharing it in what seems to be a ‘big way’? It’s because I think it is important. You probably know how cautious I am about supplements. I do not promote the “It’s a supplement/vitamin, it can’t hurt!” They CAN hurt some people. I have many examples of that.

This is one of the FEW times I’ll be able to say, “It can’t hurt! It’s safe!”

Our Genetic Guns

My dad had advanced dry AMD/geographic atrophy. My husband’s mother had AMD, but we’re not sure of the type. Neither of us have AMD – yet – but research has shown that we each have a higher risk of it than someone with no family history. We each have additional risk factors as well.

There’s another disease for which we both have an inherited risk factor: Alzheimer’s Disease. My mother had it. We think my husband’s mother had it as well, although it may have been another form of dementia.

In memory of Harry & Genevieve Chernek and Elizabeth & Jacob Moore

I’ve shared this quote that’s often used for discussions of genetics:

genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.

What does that mean? It means that a person may have a specific genetic makeup that predisposes them to a disease, but lifestyle factors DO matter. They can prevent the expression of the genes or can lessen the impact of them.

With family histories of AMD -and- Alzheimer’s, our guns are loaded!

We are COUNTING on those lifestyle factors! I’m 68 and my husband is 70. There’s a third risk factor: age. They’re both age-related diseases, so our guns are REALLY loaded!


I’ve been working on this in ‘fits and starts’ since early October, so it’s been almost 2 months. I hope I’ve managed to put together a coherent description of this long process. Because there’s been so much to it, I’ve put the details in the comments (on the Facebook page, that is). Here is an outline, so you can go to what you’re interested in if you don’t want to read the whole story.


1 The Eyes and the Brain: Same Lifestyle Factors
2 Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants
3 Three (3) Carotenoids, Not Just 2!
4 What Is Meso-zeaxanthin? Why Is It Important? Show Me the Research!
5 Dr. Nolan’s Research: His Questions and Answers
6 Where Do People Get LMZ? My Questions and Answers
7 Time to Get Personal: Are The Moores Getting Enough LMZ?
8 Can The Moores Improve Their Diet?
9 Those of You With AMD: Your Benefit
10 Should The Moores Take a LMZ Supplement?
11 Which Brand?
12 More Validation
13 The Beginning and The End

Comment 1. The Eyes and The Brain: Same Lifestyle Factors

The eyes are actually part of the brain, so it’s not surprising that what benefits the eyes, benefits the brain. If you’re not familiar with the connection between the eyes and the brain, here’s a brief explanation.

Lifestyle Factors for the Eyes and the Brain

The same lifestyle factors affect them both. Nutrition and smoking are the main ones. I never smoked, but my husband did but quit 40 years ago.

I started my investigation with nutrition because of our continued struggles with the Mediterranean way of eating, which is recommended for both diseases. We try our best to eat healthy but found that we were falling short of the very specific nutrition advice given frequently.

Not Just Healthy Eating

Years ago I found out that ‘eating healthy’ does not necessarily mean ‘eating healthy enough for the eyes’ and now discovered the same thing applied to eating healthy for the brain! Much more to it!

Comment 2. Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants

In both diseases, oxidative stress is a major factor because research has shown that it leads to inflammation, which leads to diseases such as AMD and Alzheimer’s. I wanted to make sure I understood the terms oxidative stress, free radicals, and antioxidants.

What Exactly IS Oxidative Stress?

Think about an apple that you cut and is exposed to the air. It changes & spoils the apple, doesn’t it? Also, think about what rust is. Both processes are from oxidation, which means something is exposed to oxygen and is changed.

Some people say that since we depend so much on oxygen, aging is just rusting! Lovely image, huh? Soon I’ll be introducing you to Dr. John Nolan who says this is “the cost of doing business with life.”

In the body, oxidation is a chemical reaction in a cell when it is exposed to oxygen. Our retinas use the most oxygen of any cells, so that’s a LOT of oxidation!

In these cells, there can be an imbalance of what are called free radicals (the ‘bad guys’) and anti-oxidants (the ‘good guys’).

Oxidative stress is when the ‘bad guys’ are getting control, which is NOT good! Here’s a short video that explains this.

Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Oxidative stress can trigger inflammation which is thought to cause dis-eases (yes, I purposefully put in the -) like AMD and Alzheimer’s, or at least it’s thought to be a major factor. For more information about the effects of oxidative stress on the body—>


So to battle oxidative stress, we need a good and consistent supply of anti-oxidants (that is ‘anti’ for ‘against’ & ‘oxidants’ referring to oxidation and oxidative stress; I’ll leave out that ‘-‘ from now on).

This 15-minute video is the first part of a Continuing Medical Education course which gives a GREAT explanation of the process and introduces the role of the 3 powerful antioxidants that are critical to protecting and nourishing our photoreceptors, which are the cells that convert light to sight. ‘Macular Pigment Supplementation: A Prescription for Vision and Cognitive Health.’

I highly recommend part 2 as well.


Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 3

Continued from Part 2

Comment 5. Dr. Nolan’s Research: His Questions and Answers

Perhaps the best way to understand how this research evolved over time is to listen to Dr. Nolan describe it in detail before he joins us on Tuesday, December 14th (see the Events section on the Facebook group’s page). It was this podcast from September 3rd, 2021, that helped me to understand how the researchers started by looking at lutein and then measuring and testing all 3 carotenoids.
‘Age-related Macular Degeneration, Supplementation, and Key Research Findings in the Field of Ocular Nutrition.’

The Questions

What’s clear from the podcast is that he approaches all his research as you should – with questions. The basic ones were:

  • Can we prevent eye diseases like AMD by enhancing the macular pigment?
  • By optimizing all 3 carotenoids in the macular pigment, can we improve contrast sensitivity (ability to detect differences in shading and patterns), reduce glare issues, improve photostress recovery (ability of vision to come back to normal after exposure to bright light) and other measures of vision in everyone with or without AMD?
  • Does the measurement of the macular pigment give us an indication of the levels of the carotenoids in the brain?
  • Does enhancing the level of carotenoids in the body prevent a disease like Alzheimer’s?
  • Does enhancing the level of carotenoids in the brain help improve memory and cognition?
The Answers

The answers after 20 years of doing study after study were yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!

He and his colleagues were able to move beyond subjective measures to objective measures that could be validated and reproduced.


As far as the research about our eyes, they not only looked at the ‘traditional’ measure of vision which is visual acuity, but objectively measured contrast sensitivity, glare sensitivity, and other aspects of vision. Having sufficient levels of LMZ meant significant improvements in these measures.

As far as research about Alzheimer’s, they not only looked at preventing the disease but at improving memory and cognition.

Understand My Excitement?

I hope you understand why I was so interested in the work he and his colleagues did and continue to do 20 years later!


After digging through all the research I could and talking to Dr. Nolan personally to fill in the gaps, it was now time to apply the findings from the research to my life and my husband’s.

Comment 6 Where Do People Get LMZ? My Questions and Answers

So MY big question at this point was:

If we need all 3 carotenoids, can we get them from our diet by eating plant-based foods?

Although we can get enough lutein from plant-based foods, it’s harder to get zeaxanthin and almost impossible to get meso-zeaxanthin because it’s found only in the skin of some fish like trout and shellfish. We don’t eat trout or shellfish.

Somewhere along the line before this project, I’d read that zeaxanthin & meso-zeaxanthin are made from lutein in the body.

There are researchers who believe that the body metabolizes lutein and produces meso-zeaxanthin so as long as we’re getting enough lutein, we are fine.

Dr. Nolan says that he believes that SOME people do produce meso-zeaxanthin from plant foods, but not everyone. He’s done extensive testing of people’s macular pigment over the years and estimates that 15% of the population don’t have optimal macular pigment for whatever reason.

What reasons? Not getting enough lutein? Getting enough lutein, but their body isn’t converting it to meso-zeaxanthin? The ‘jury is still out’ on this, but it may be because of a lack of certain enzymes.


Personal Message December 11th, 2021 Our Genetic Guns: Part 4

Continued from Part 3

Comment 7: Time to Get Personal: Are The Moores Getting Enough LMZ?

How do WE know if we are among those who get enough lutein from our food and make enough meso-zeaxanthin from it? We don’t.

What I understood at this point from the research:

This is big!

This is the key to stopping that genetic gun from firing!

Since we cannot get a measure of our macular pigment, we have to assume it’s not as healthy as it needs to be to prevent both diseases.

Comment 8: Can The Moores Improve Their Diet?

My husband and I have had general concerns about our nutrition for some time:

  • We have trouble finding produce that we’re convinced is nutritious because there are well-documented problems with farming, distribution, and availability.

  • We often don’t get the vegetables cooked properly. Sometimes they are in the refrigerator for too long. Our health issues mean that some days we just don’t have the energy to prepare a healthy meal, even though we have the food.

  • We both have diseases for which we take medications, so we know we don’t absorb nutrients from food as well as someone with no other diseases and who do not take medications.

  • Because of our age, we don’t absorb nutrients as well as someone younger.

Even if we were to try to follow the Anti-AMD Diet that I refer to frequently (see Guide 11), the daily recommendation is to eat 6-7 servings of fruit and vegetables a day: 2.5 cups of vegetables & 2 cups of fruit). A serving is ½ cup cooked, 1 cup raw. The vegetables should include leafy greens, but I’ve not seen any recommendations of the ratio of leafy greens to other vegetables.

That’s a LOT! Do YOU eat this every day? We certainly don’t!!

Comment 9: Those of You With AMD

So far, I’ve shared research that says that having the optimal amount of LMZ in the macula is linked to the PREVENTION of AMD which applies to me, my husband, your kids, your grandkids – those of us with a family history – and your friends and neighbors who do not have AMD or a family history of it.

Want Me To Fast Forward? Sure!

You’d like me to fast-forward, right, to the part where I tell those of you who already have the disease what, if anything, LMZ will do for you?

Relief From the Symptoms

Full disclosure: this is not about slowing the disease – at least we don’t yet know/haven’t proven if having optimal macular pigment reduces the risk of AMD progressing to an advanced stage such as wet AMD or Advanced Dry AMD/Geographic Atrophy. Those types of clinical trials take a LONG time.

We DO know it is about:

  • protecting the photoreceptors from further assault and damage from oxidative stress;

  • improving the symptoms that make vision with AMD problematic: problems with glare and contrast, slow recovery from bright light, slow dark adaptation;

  • protecting the photoreceptors from damaging blue light. Here’s a great video where Dr. Nolan talks to Dr. Kerry Gelb about it.

AREDS2 Formulation Plus Meso-zeaxanthin for Some

What HAS been shown is that for those who are good candidates for an AREDS2-based formulation – those with intermediate dry AMD or with wet AMD in one eye but not the other – adding meso-zeaxanthin DOES improve vision while providing that same reduced risk of progressing to wet AMD found in the AREDS & AREDS2 research.

Dr. Nolan’s CREST Trials

In 2011, Dr. Nolan received funding from the European Research Council to do 2 trials called ‘Central Retinal Enrichment Supplementation Trials (CREST).

Their research question was: if we enrich a person’s macular pigment by giving them LMZ as a supplement, can we improve visual function as measured by contrast sensitivity as the primary endpoint and visual acuity, glare disability, and other measures of vision as secondary endpoints.

CREST AMD (sometimes referred to as CREST 2)

There were 2 CREST trials, but I’m leaving out the details, including those for Trial 1. Dr. Nolan can fill us in about it (and a lot of his OTHER research that I’ve not discussed – there’s just been SO much!).

Trial 2 is called CREST AMD, so they studied people with early AMD. Their primary measure was contrast sensitivity. There were 32 tests in all!

There were 2 treatment groups who both got a supplement with the ingredients from the AREDS2 formulation: Vitamin C and E and 25 mg of zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Group 1 also got meso-zeaxanthin.

You’ll find a good graph in this article that shows the results. The article says, “Patients with AMD would have usually been expected to experience a continued deterioration in their vision throughout the 2 years of the clinical trial. Instead, those receiving carotenoid supplementation showed a significant improvement across 24 out of 32 tests of vision. Improvements in vision were particularly marked among those patients receiving all three carotenoids (group 1) compared with those receiving only Z and L (group 2). Of note, 34.8% of trial participants who received all three carotenoids had what is deemed to be a clinically meaningful improvement in their vision after 24 months, compared with 19.6% of patients on the AREDS2-like formulation (see Figure 1).”

‘CREST AMD Trial: Vision Improvement Among Patients with AMD Who Consume Xanthophyll Carotenoids’

What If Your AMD Is Beyond the Early Stage?

It’s not been studied, I’m sorry. However, since we know that LMZ protects the macula from further damage from oxidative stress and from further damage from blue light and has proven to reduce symptoms of glare and contrast sensitivity, improves dark adaptation, and improves photostress recovery, I think it’s safe to assume it will have a positive effect for you, too!

It’s Also About Alzheimer’s

No matter what stage AMD you have, LMZ also reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease. Every time there’s an article about the link between AMD and Alzheimer’s Disease, it causes quite a stir.

The connection isn’t between AMD and Alzheimer’s: it’s the connection between the eyes and the brain!


What Are the Stages of AMD?

QUESTION: What are the stages of AMD?

There are 2 types of AMD (doesn’t apply to other forms of macular degeneration): dry and wet.

For dry AMD, there are 3 stages: early, intermediate, and advanced dry also called geographic atrophy.

Wet AMD and Geographic Atrophy are considered advanced stages of AMD. Most people – 85-90% – have early or intermediate dry AMD. You may hear more about wet AMD because of the current treatment, but it is actually much less common and everyone does NOT progress to either of the advanced stages.

Did you know you can have one eye with wet and one with dry? Are you confused? I hope this article will help: ‘Wet and Dry, One Eye or Both…I Am SO Confused!’

The article ‘Macular Degeneration Stages’ does a good job of explaining each stage, tells what symptoms you might experience, and how each stage is diagnosed.

One of the best resources I’ve found to help us understand AMD is from the site The Science of AMD.

Don’t be intimidated by all the text – where you see the symbol of a speaker in the right corner of a section, choose it, and you will get audio narration. I’ve circled that symbol on the site.


go back to Frequently asked questions


Filling in the Gaps

Recently Lin steered me to a video by Sam of The Blind Life. Sam was explaining how he sees and taking exception to those representations of macular degeneration that have opaque, black blobs in the middle. Lin was interested in exactly what I see. Maybe we can expand this to what you all are seeing, too.

First of all, a little clarification. Sam has Stargardt’s Disease which is the “juvenile” form of age-related macular degeneration. He has been legally blind since probably his teens [Lin/Linda: actually, since he was 11.]. We are talking 30 plus years. Compared to Sam, I, with my paltry 4 years as a VIP, am very much the new kid on the block. My experience and knowledge cannot begin to match his.

For those who don’t yet know who Sue is, check the end of this page.

That said, it was a relief to discover that Sam with over 30 years of macular atrophy seems to see pretty much what I see. The reasons for the relief are two in number: 1) I am apparently doing this macular degeneration stuff “right” and 2) I am reasonably well assured I am not going to develop a big, honkin’ black hole in my visual field. Hallelujah!

What do I see? I have a fuzzy gray spot in my central vision. It is not opaque as sometimes it seems as if what is behind it is “bleeding through”. I often know there is something there but cannot see it clearly.

That is not 100%, of course. There have been times I have known something was there only because of sound or the perception of motion. If it is silent, stationary and/or not offering contrast to its background, I have been known to miss it entirely. Case in point, I somehow missed three jars of mayonnaise on the shelf. Three! I ordered another one from the grocery. My husband suggested I get a fifth one so I could have cinco de mayo. Cinco de Mayo; got it? [That’s a good one!] Oh, never mind. Anyway, the point is, things can disappear in the “haze” of my blind spot.

Another point Sam makes involves the concept of visual closure, although he does not label it as such. Visual closure is how your brain turns several segments of arc into a circle even though, in fact, the segments are not connected and not really a circle at all. Your brain closes up the gaps.

Sam was talking about how his brain fills in the gaps in pretty much the same way. Sam was talking about how he sees his blind spot as the same color as whatever is surrounding it. For example, the light switch might disappear and all he “sees” is beige wall.

I can get the same sort of thing going on if I look at the sky. The blue fills in and the bird I am watching disappears. If I am looking at a tree, my brain will fill in the sections of the branches that are in my blind spot. Sort of like connect the dots. That branch cannot end and miraculously reappear over there. Ergo, my mind closes the gap and I “see” the middle section of the branch. Brains are weird and amazing things.

And speaking of weird and amazing, we have had conversations with a woman whose brain filled in such a beautiful picture of an empty highway she had no idea she was about to be in an accident! Scared the bejesus out of her. If your brain is as good at filling in the blanks as hers, please be extra careful.

One more point that Sam made and then I will let you go. Although once again he did not refer to it by name, Sam is an expert at eccentric viewing. He has trained himself to use his peripheral retina very well.

I have been working on it for the past four years and it does get easier. I will use it when I need to see what is down the road that the dogs are getting so excited about. I might not be able to see details well enough to see exactly who is coming towards me, but I can see well enough to see a person and, let’s say, a large black blob that I assume is a dog. Time to move Maggie off the road. PsychDog returns!

Another time I use eccentric viewing is in typing my pages. If I put my macular focal point above what I am typing, I can pretty much read what is going on the page.

As Lin will tell you, I say pretty much because a lot of mistakes escape me. You know how they say the devil is in the details? My dears, the details are the devil when you are trying to use eccentric viewing. The peripheral retina was not designed for fine work.

So, that is pretty much how I see. Sam and I are in agreement. Great minds think alike and all that….But how about your great mind? Do you agree? How do you see? Start the conversation.

Written May 15th, 2020.

Who is Sue?

She’s my friend of 40+ years who became legally blind (20/63 to 20/80 in one eye & between 20/160 and 20/200 in the other) from advanced dry AMD/geographic in 2016. After less than a year of learning how to deal with her visual impairment both physically and emotionally, Sue has a ‘normal for her’ life. At age 66 and with advanced dry AMD/geographic atrophy, she works, attends regular exercise classes, rides her bike safely, travels locally and abroad, takes photographs, walks her dogs, kayaks, attends social events with her friends, co-workers, exercise class buddies, and adding new friends she’s been making along the way!

Next: Catching Up – December 2020

I have dry AMD. Will It Turn to Wet? What is wet AMD?

QUESTION: I have dry AMD. Will it turn to wet?


Not everyone with AMD progresses to wet AMD. There is another FAQ with details about the risk of vision loss from AMD. Briefly, if you have early or intermediate dry AMD, your risk of progressing to wet is 10-14 or 15 %. That means that 85-90% of all people with AMD have the dry kind, so that’s the majority. Wet AMD is in the minority and rare, but if left untreated it can quickly cause central vision loss.

Parts of the Retina

The parts of a healthy retina.
Click on image to see it larger.

Let’s review the parts of the retina that are involved in AMD. From top to bottom there are the Photoreceptors (rods & cones) that convert light to sight, RPEs that take care of the Photoreceptors, Bruch’s Membrane, and the blood supply in the Choroid.

How and Why The Process Starts

VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) is a protein produced from cells that causes new blood vessels to develop when needed, such as after an injury or lack of oxygen. In most places in the body, that’s a good thing. But not when it happens in the retina.

Photoreceptors, RPEs and Angiogenesis

All AMD starts as dry even if it’s not diagnosed until it’s wet. As the disease progresses, drusen (we call it ‘eye poop’) builds up and can weaken Bruch’s Membrane. This causes inflammation which signals the release of VEGF. This process is called angiogenesis (‘angio’ refers to blood, ‘genesis’ refers to development of something).

These unwanted blood vessels grow through the weakened Bruch’s Membrane into the area of Photoreceptors and the RPEs.

Wet AMD and CNV

This process is called wet AMD and CNV (Choroidal Neo-vascularization refers to the Choroid, ‘neo’ refers to new, and vascularization refers to blood vessels).

Wet AMD is Exudative Macular Degeneration

Those new blood vessels are fragile and can leak fluid, can rupture and leak blood, or both. That’s where the ‘wet’ descriptor came from. These fluids are ‘edudates’ which is why sometimes you’ll see wet AMD referred to as Exudative AMD and dry as Nonexudative AMD.  CNV can occur in any form of macular degeneration.

Symptoms from Wet AMD/CNV

For normal vision, the macula needs to be flat. The blood or fluid collects in something similar to a blister which distorts vision and causes a person to see wavy lines and have other distortions. Have you ever had a drop of water fall on a piece of paper with writing? It distorts what is under it, right?

Make sure if you have any changes in your vision that you contact your eye doctor as soon as possible. Research has shown that the sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis.


This buildup of fluid or blood causes inflammation (edema) and can form scar tissue which cannot be removed. It can also cause damage to the RPEs, so they’re not able to keep the Photoreceptors working well. It can also kill the RPEs. If the RPE dies, the Photoreceptor dies, and central vision loss occurs. That’s why it is so important to get treatment as soon as possible!

The Injections

The medications that are injected into the eye are called anti-VEGF because they block the further release of VEGF. They are also called angiogenesis medications. That stops new blood vessels from growing. You might think of a VEGF protein as a lock. The anti-VEGF medication puts the key in the VEGF lock to stop it.

Current Anti-VEGF Medications

The current anti-VEGF medications are Lucentis, Eylea, Avastin, and Beovu. For some people, the disease is slowed down by repeated treatments. For some, vision improves. Everyone is different.

‘Dried Up’ is not Dry AMD

The blood and/or fluid is then reabsorbed by the body. That’s why you’ll hear the retinal specialist say that the eye is ‘dried up.’ That’s not the same as dry AMD. Wet AMD cannot go backwards, but sometimes it goes into something similar to remission and can remain stable. You always have to be diligent to check your vision and report any changes.

The anti-VEGF medications wear off quickly, so repeated injections are necessary.

New and Better Treatments on the Horizon

There is a lot of research related to wet AMD/CNV. New treatments will extend the time between them and replace injections with eye drops and oral medications. It’s the drops and pills that many people are looking forward to! You can find out more in the article ‘Have Wet AMD and Hoping for Something Other Than Injections?’

Even better, with gene therapy, a ‘one-and-done’ treatment may stop the disease entirely. There’s more about this in ‘Gene Therapy Research for AMD.’

Great Resource

One of the best sources of information about AMD is from the Angiogenesis Foundation’s site ‘Science of AMD.’  There you can find text explanations with audio available, colorful illustrations, videos, and brochures.  They are a not-for-profit site, so they don’t sell anything. That’s a good indication that their information is not biased.

There is an excellent infographic explaining the angiogenesis of AMD.



Can staring at a computer or other electronic device make my AMD worse?

QUESTION: Can staring at a computer or other electronic device make my AMD worse?

You can find articles about the dangers of blue light from our electronics, but there’s no evidence that it makes AMD worse.

Many people say they have problems with vision after being in front of an electronic device for hours but those symptoms are usually from digital eye strain/computer eye strain or dry eye syndrome. Some symptoms are:

– Sore, tired, burning or itching eyes
– Watery or dry eyes
– Blurred or double vision
– Headache
– Sore neck, shoulders or back
– Increased sensitivity to light
– Difficulty concentrating
– Feeling that you cannot keep your eyes open

There’s the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, look up and focus 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

What can you do about it? Here’s an article “Computer Eye Strain: 10 Steps For Relief”–>

Another article about Computer Vision Syndrome–>

go to frequently asked questions

What questions do I need to have answered by my eye specialist?

Question: What questions do I need to have answered by my eye specialist?

Hopefully as you have been learning more about your diagnosis, you’ve been writing down any questions you have. Make sure you take that list with you to your next appointment.

  1. You need to have a firm diagnosis. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is not the only type of macular degeneration. It is most common in those 50 and older. For someone under that age, there is Myopic Macular Degeneration (MMD; any age) and forms of Juvenile MD.

2. If it is AMD, you need to know what stage each eye is in. You can have dry or wet in both eyes, dry in one eye and wet in the other, or AMD in only one eye. With that information you can make informed decisions about what might help you, what treatment(s) is available, etc.

Here is a complete list of questions.

go back to frequently asked questions

What’s Visual Acuity and How Do I Explain Mine to Others?

When we discuss the effects of AMD, we talk about two main aspects of it: visual acuity and visual impairment.  Let’s talk about visual acuity. Later, I’ll have more about how AMD can affect one’s vision in terms of blurriness, distortions, and blind spots.

What is visual acuity? My online dictionary defines it as, “Sharpness of vision, measured by the ability to discern letters or numbers at a given distance according to a fixed standard.”  In the US, the “fixed standard” is the Snellen Chart where you are asked to read rows of numbers that are placed in front of you.

Snellen Eye Chart. Click on this image to get a printable eye chart with instructions.

This is a Snellen Eye Chart. There are other methods but this is the one most often used in the US.  When you see this chart at the eye doctor’s office, you won’t see the 20/20 through 20/200 marks on the side.  Click here or on the image to the left to get a bigger image that is printable and comes with If instructions for your use.  Your numbers will be determined by the smallest line on the chart you can read.

To learn how the chart is used, click here for a good explanation of it.

This may help you explain to others how your eye doctor came up with numbers like 20/20, 20/40 all the way up to 20/200.  A different chart is used for 20/400 and up.

If your visual acuity is To be considered legally blind, your vision needs to be 20/200 or worse, which means you can read an eye chart at 20 feet about as well as someone with normal vision could read it at 200 feet.Click here to go to an article that has images of

Common Questions

Can each eye have different visual acuity? Yes.

If I have AMD, can I have 20/20 vision but distortions?

What does it mean if I’m said to be ‘legally blind’?









1) this webpage shows pictures of common sights with a way to compare 20/20 vision to 20/200–>…

2) the smallest line that can be read on a Snellen Eye Chart—>the image here.

Eye Poop

Today was a “get your ‘stuff’ together” day. Every once in a while it gets so that if I don’t stop and take care of the business at hand, I will be having a screaming fit.

Like last evening for example! However, I have now gotten a haircut, gone grocery shopping and cleaned the living room, as well as having completed a few other tasks, like taking the recycling. Feeling a little more in control – I probably should not say that too loudly – and ready to tackle a page Lin suggested.

That page will be on – drum roll, please – eye poop! Okay, so that is not what they are really called. Most of the world call them drusen.

In a Harvard Health Publishing article that asks the questions: what are drusen and why do I have them, the author describes drusen as “deposits of extracellular waste”. You got it, eye poop.

In younger people, the sanitation department in eyes generally takes care of the eye poop. That ‘sanitation department’ is the retinal pigment epithelial cells aka RPEs. Yes, your RPEs are supposed to ingest eye poop. But you know what? Your RPEs are into recycling, too! They are discovering your eye is its own, little ecosystem. James Hurley at the University of Washington at Seattle and his team have discovered RPEs and the retinal cells are in this close relationship in which the wastes and byproducts of metabolism in one type of cell are the food another type of cell needs. Mess up in one part of the system and everything goes to Hades.

Why would the RPEs stop doing their recycling thing? No answers, just theories but one thing is for sure, age has something to do with it. Most people over 60 have at least a few piles of eye poop hanging around.

You know how it goes. Things don’t seem to work as well when we are older. Some messes pile up.

Eye poop becomes a problem when it starts wiggling in between the RPEs and the Bruch’s membrane. Bruch’s membrane is where the RPEs get the nutrients they need to feed the photoreceptors.

Think of it as a huge landslide standing between you and the grocery store. If you cannot get to the store, you go hungry and may die. If you die, those you are responsible for die too. Same with RPEs and photoreceptors.

Again, no one is exactly sure why some people get away with just a few, stray piles of eye poop and others have dozens. There is an underlying error or errors that have yet to be proven. The researchers are working on it.

The Harvard paper points out drusen aka eye poop do not cause AMD. They are just manifestations of the disease process.

Hope that was a help. Hope you understand things a little more thoroughly. Night!

Written March 18th, 2018

Next: Another Cautionary Tale


I Tried My Best

I was raised to be responsible. I am responsible. I go to work and the job gets done. I have done the job between bouts of vomiting, with fevers and with migraines.

I am responsible but I am not crazy.

OK. Maybe the word is not crazy. However, I am definitely not one for not using good judgment or not looking at the big picture. Now, this is especially true when it comes to my vision.

I was at a professional gathering on Friday. One person there asked me about the circumstances of my sight loss. This person had an eye bleed that had started on Tuesday! That is three, count them, three! days. I advised an immediate trip to an emergency room. I told this person his sight could be very much at risk but was told in turn he had other, important obligations to attend to and he would, essentially, get around to it later.

I tried one more time and was again rebuffed. Are we truly our brother’s keeper? I wanted to call 911 and get this person to the hospital. That would not have been appreciated, but would he have appreciated my efforts if I had saved his sight? If he gets to a doctor sometime next week and gets told he has done irreparable damage to his vision will he appreciate I tried? Will he wish he had listened?

I assume our readers have more common sense, but since assuming can make an ‘ass of u and me’, I am going to spell it out. Never, as in NEVER, ignore an eye bleed. Mary Lowth wrote about vitreous hemorrhages for Patient. She stated vitreous hemorrhages are one of the most common causes of sudden, painless vision loss. Vision can be totally obscured by blood in the vitreous. Even if nothing serious is wrong that caused the bleed to begin with, you can be left with floaters. Not to mention blood is cleared from the vitreous at the rate of only 1% a day. That is over three months of impaired vision!

There is a whole list of things that can be horribly wrong to cause bleeding in the eye. Because I have dry AMD and have been warned about the potential of developing wet AMD, a bleed due to neovascularization was the first thing I thought about. There is also diabetic retinopathy and posterior vitreous detachment. PVD can be associated with a tear in the retina. None of these are problems to take lightly. [Lin/Linda: if you ever see what looks like a curtain drawing over your visual field or part of your visual field is obstructed, that IS an emergency which requires IMMEDIATE attention because it can mean that you do have a retinal tear. Most PVDs are accompanied by lots of floaters & sometimes flashes of light that are more noticeable at night (that’s the vitreous tugging at the retina. If in doubt, call your doctor.]

Lowth stated “retinal detachment must be excluded urgently”. In other words, should you have a bleed, run, don’t walk to the doctor and make sure your retina is still where it is supposed to be. Waiting three days is not an option.

Some of you are also sadly aware that bleeding can cause scarring and even more significant vision loss. Bleeds should be diagnosed and controlled as quickly as possible.

So, there you have it, some people believe they have more important things to do. They believe satisfying responsibilities is more important than taking care of their eye health. These people are wrong. If you even think you have an eye bleed, get to your doctor.

As for this person yesterday, I tried my best. Matthew 10:14 [“And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.”]

written December 3rd, 2017 Continue reading “I Tried My Best”

Slogging Through Again

I am waiting for my ride to go hot air ballooning and working on deciphering an article Lin sent me. Once again the question is how much loss can we expect from dry AMD, especially geographic atrophy? Regillo told me 60 degrees of arc loss would be extreme but my local retinologist said some people in their 90s can have GA encompassing the entire retina. Ouch.  [Lin/Linda: Sue wrote about ‘degrees of arc’ in her page Love Wikipedia.]

So, here be me again, slogging through another article I about half understand. Want to slog along? I would appreciate the company!

The article is entitled Clinical Endpoints for the Study of Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration published October, 2016. You there in the home audience feel free to download it and play along!

First of all, I latched on the statement (paraphrasing) “drusen may not result in actual visual acuity loss but the effects of having drusen can be seen in functional deficits very early in the disease process”. What functional deficits?

A 2008 paper by Feng Qiu and Susan Leat found people with very early AMD have loss of “low spatial frequency static contrast sensitivity”. Yippee. Once more down the rabbit hole. It appears – according to the appendix of Emergent Techniques for Assessment of Visual Performance – spatial contrast sensitivity has to do with lighting, the place on the retina where the image is falling and something called field size as well as time factors and the orientation of the image.

Boiled down it has something to do with how sensitive we are to variations in the data our eyes are gathering. I think. Don’t hold me to it. Just know that 20/20 vision with drusen might not be as perfect as we might think.

We talked about reduced dark adaptation before and this is also a problem in early AMD. Apparently there are several effects early drusen have that have nothing to do with acuity.

The next thing I had to look up – in the same paragraph, mind you! – was information that might help me understand a statement suggesting advancement to GA from early AMD may in part depend upon the presence of “reticular pseudodrusen”. So now we have drusen impersonators????

According to Association of Pseudodrusen and Early Onset Drusen by De Bats, Wolff et al (doesn’t that team sound perfect for the Halloween season?) pseudodrusen form on top of the RPEs and not below them as do ‘real’ drusen. There seems to be a connection between having ‘eye poop’ aka drusen on top of the RPEs and early and rapid develop of advanced AMD.

And the above was all in one paragraph! I may be a very long time in deciphering this baby.

So what I have discovered so far is this: visual acuity does not tell the whole story about functional vision loss when it comes to early AMD. If you have drusen be aware your contrast sensitivity and dark adaptation are probably already compromised. Secondly, pseudodrusen, which is eye poop on top of the RPEs, can predict a more rapid and earlier progression to GA.

Have I found a thing about GA outside of the macula? Not yet, but I am still reading! Talk at ya later!

written October 7th, 2o17 Continue reading “Slogging Through Again”

Not a Total Loss

Hello. Sitting waiting to see the retinologist. I have a day of medical appointments. One is at a satellite office and the other is at the main hospital. Supposedly the hospital will provide connecting transportation. We shall see.

I had to ask to find out if this is a service they offer. If you have to go from building to building such as I am today, ask. They don’t advertise this sort of thing so we need to be proactive.

I realize most of you don’t play Panda Pop but if you do you know you can ‘win’ costumes for Mama Panda. I just won a costume and my Mama Panda now looks like a cross among the bride of Frankenstein, Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show and Sparkle Brite. Maybe a little Little Richard on the side. Bizarre.

Did any of you see Rocky Horror Picture Show in the theatre? Late 70s. They said “a toast” on the screen and you got pelted with flying slices of bread! Hard to believe that is now nostalgia.

What does this have to do with AMD? Nothing. Just some crazy observations to provide distractions.

If you don’t want to read this sort of nonsense, volunteer to write a page!

Sometime later: the van connection worked. I am now at the main hospital. Remember to ask about such services. No one volunteers the info.

Update on me: my left eye has surpassed my right eye in the race to ‘blindness’. The atrophy in my left eye is ‘advanced’.

Still won’t tell me what to expect, when it will stop. My retinologist said some people in their 90s have deterioration of the entire retina! Gulp! Not what I wanted to hear.

Some lady sat on the bench with me and apropos to very little asked me if “the shots” give me light sensitivity. Since I don’t get “shots” I had no clue. Although I just looked it up and it appears shots do cause some sensitivities. I assume photosensitivity is among them. Comments? [Lin/Linda: actually, photosensitivity is one symptom of macular degeneration. I can’t find anything that says injections can =cause= photosensitivity, but I have heard people say that an injection can make it worse.]

Again, please share. Otherwise I will just prattle on and you don’t want that!

Some more time later: I am now standing in the outpatient surgery waiting room, at the charging station. I have no business in outpatient surgery but the charging station is here! There is none in general internal medicine. Pooh.

These stations have connections for four or five different makes of devices including Apple products. Don’t be afraid to use them if you ‘run dry’ in your device. We have very legitimate uses for our devices and we need to keep them charged…even when the van comes early and you forget your own charger.

And I am adding one piece of legitimate AMD information before I close: According to Pubmed in a brand new October, 2017 release, hot off the presses as it were, dry AMD and prostate cancer are correlated. Prostate cancer can increase oxidative stress in the entire system. Androgen deprivation therapy helps to reduce the chances of AMD.

So, not a total loss of a page. Talk to you later!

written October 3rd, 2017 Continue reading “Not a Total Loss”

Keep an Eye on Your Eyes

I gave up trying to be perfect a long time ago. Too much like work. That is the reason I get it when people let things lapse. You meant to call the doctor about the vision change you think you are seeing but another day is gone and you never got to it.

Or how about this one? You don’t want to bother such a busy guy (or gal) with a silly, little worry. Then there is the forever popular, if I don’t think about it, it will go away!

Yep, dozens of ‘good’ reasons for not monitoring your vision and keeping your doctor in the proverbial loop. My reason for seldom if ever monitoring? (Come on! At least I own it.) My macula is so far gone I am back on biannual visits. I have it on good authority I will most likely not progress to wet AMD. Relief, yes, but I still sort of wish there was enough left I had to worry.

But that is me. There are plenty of you who are still at risk for developing wet AMD. There are also plenty of you who wish they had responded to early warnings before they lost vision. Since that second group are living testimonies to the fact things happen when we are not paying attention, how do we pay better attention to the progression of our disease?

For years the only game in town has been the Amsler Grid. This being the age of technology it is certainly understandable there are suddenly all sorts of machines and apps that not only do the job of monitoring but also narc on you and call your doctor! (Big Brother is even watching your eyes!)

I did a page on myVisionTrack a while ago. I downloaded it but could not play with it because it needed a script from my doctor. It was also for pay. So far this year we have replaced the washer and the dishwasher, rehabbed the pool and had Beastie Baby to the puppy doctor a few times; forgive me if I don’t invest in some of these things. If you use the service, please comment.

The new one I just discovered is ForeseeHome. This is manufactured by Notal Vision, an Israeli company. The company provides an electronic device that is connected to a telecommunication system. Everyday the patient takes three or four minutes to test her vision. If there is a significant change both the patient and her doctor are notified of the need for an immediate appointment.

ForeseeHome is again by prescription only. The frequently asked questions on the website suggest the unit and service are Medicare covered if you meet the eligibility. Apparently you have to be “dry AMD at high risk of progressing to wet AMD”. Am I sure what that means exactly? What I think it means is someone may have to jump through hoops to get Medicare to actually pay for it, but you can get one with a good argument.

If your doctor wants you to monitor much more closely than you are, one of the new electronic systems may be for you. Spend three or four minutes once a day. Eliminate the guesswork. Eliminate feeling guilty for ‘bothering’ the doctor. Help save your sight.

Written August 9th, 2017

Continue reading “Keep an Eye on Your Eyes”

Put the Savor Back in Life

As my father got older I really started to worry about his nutrition. Left to his own devices Daddy would prepare a lunch of canned peaches in heavy syrup, a couple of cookies and a bowl of ice cream. It was like dealing with the tastes of a six year old! Sugar, sugar and more sugar!

I eventually learned taste loss comes with old age. Since sweet is the last flavor we can still taste, many of us go to a high sugar diet. Not all that great.

Lost of taste is just one of the sensory losses we experience. Science Digest in February of 2016 ran an article reporting 94% of older Americans have at least one sensory loss. 38% have losses in two senses and 28% have three, four or five sensory losses. Some of these deficits were mild but many of them were serious. The study found 64% of their sample ages 57 to 85 suffered with a significant deficit in at least one sense. 22% had major deficits in two or more senses.

Yikes! This is scary stuff!

Sensory loss takes the savor out of life – literally. It is one of the main reasons people may report a reduction in the quality of life.

Alright, now that we have had the stuffing scared out of us, what can be done about this? Most sources suggest getting any potential sensory loss evaluated medically. Some sensory problems cannot be treated but there are some that can.

Just because some of us have a vision loss that is currently not treatable does not mean the same holds true for other sensory loss. Don’t be fatalistic! Go for help.

Then, of course, there are rehabilitation services. I would like to say rehabilitation services and assistive technology is universally available, but I know better. If you cannot get services funded, use resources such as this website. We regularly try to find things that are free or relatively inexpensive that can help you cope with your vision loss. I expect there are websites for hearing impaired although I am less optimistic about sites on taste, smell and touch loss.

And speaking of smell and taste loss…

In Betrayed by our Bodies – Sensory Loss and Aging Dan Orzech suggests the use of odor detecting technology so we can avoid burning up in a fire (smoke detectors) or being asphyxiated by leaking gas.

Orzech suggested using a little butter or gravy to make the odor and flavor of food more chemically available. (A man after my own heart!). He also reported dehydration can make it harder to taste so make sure you drink your fluids.

Although not being able to see colors well is a hallmark of AMD, do what you can to make foods bright, colorful and visually appealing. Intensely colored foods are rated as more flavorful that dull colored foods.

Given the number of readers and FaceBook members we have, I would suspect more than one or two of you are experiencing multiple sensory losses. Don’t ignore them. There really are ways to put some of the savor back into life!

Written August 4th, 2016

Continue reading “Put the Savor Back in Life”


Greetings everyone! First of all, thank you for all of the birthday wishes [July 17th] and kind comments! I am amazed and overwhelmed. I sit here in my sun room, just kind of hanging out and having weird thoughts, and I sometimes forget there are real people reading the stuff. Probably better that way. I might become self-conscious. Not that that has ever happened in 64 years. No filters here. As in really NO filters. My mother used to ask me why I could not just LIE sometimes.

That said, nothing big planned for the b-day. Fighting rot and decay. I have my first physical therapy appointment for the rotator cuff tendinitis. Also, the container for the sand filter cracked and nicely soaked the garage with pool water so I am having the sand container replaced tomorrow.

Have you ever noticed you spend the first 40 years of life building and the next 40 trying to keep everything in working order?

My friend, the exercise enthusiast, and her family treated me to an escape/puzzle room last week. That was fun. We did the ‘tornado’ room. The premise is you have been hit by a tornado and you have to figure out how to open a locked door and escape before a second tornado strikes. This all involves finding clues and things you will need as well as figuring out a lot of ciphers. We ‘died’. We were only about ¾ of the way by the end of the hour and the second ‘tornado’ hit.

It was low light – a problem – and there were clues I could not read, but this is a team (up to 8) activity and I had people to do the fine seeing. I still have a brain and could sleuth out a lot of clues as well as have input on how to solve the puzzles. Enjoyed it. Would go again.

Low vision does not have to mean no fun.

And continuing to just jabber along here, I downloaded the Near Sighted VR app from Google Play. Lin sent me the cardboard goggles last week. My husband cut the hole for the camera to see through so it would actually be somewhere near centered. I downloaded the app. Nothing to that and the app is free, free, free! [Lin/Linda: it worked better for Sam at The Blind Spot and he says with some upgrades which he suggests, he thinks it will be an ‘awesome app’. Click here to see his review of it on YouTube.]

Not as enthralled with it as I was hoping to be. Not sure if the new phone (Hello, Moto!) does not have a decent camera or what the problem is, but I thought the image was pixel-y and a little wavy. Being a great one for motion sickness I am not sure I could use it very long without having an ‘incident’.  [Lin/Linda: there is also an app for iPhones called SuperVision Cardboard.  Click here for more information.]

Once again, although I would love to believe I am, I am not the final word on this stuff. I think we need other input on these products. Please let us know if you have tried anything and give us your input. My pans may be your picks and vice versa.

Last thing: I ran into a little gem called BookBub. They offer free and deeply discounted email books. Lin says she has used it for years and it is a good resource.

When dummy here set up her NaturalReader she failed to click on Kindle as one place she wanted to be able to download from. Cannot figure out how to go back and change the setting so I am in the process of also downloading the free version of NaturalReader. Hopefully I will be able to get into my Kindle account that way and give you info on how it works.

Once again, knowledge, insights, opinions? Please share. Support the cause. We are in this mess all together. Continue reading “Jabbering”

Will I Go Blind?

QUESTION: “Will I go blind?” is one of the most common and emotionally-charged questions asked when a person gets a diagnosis of any macular disease such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Stargardt’s Disease, Myopic Macular Degeneration (and others) that can damage central vision.

The short answer is no.

Having AMD or any form of macular degeneration affects one’s central vision, but peripheral vision is spared. More details below.

Central Vision Loss is NOT Inevitable!

You can find what the risk of having a vision impairment or vision loss: I have AMD. What’s my chance of having vision loss?

With early or intermediate dry AMD, the chance of progressing to a stage where vision loss can occur (wet or geographic atrophy) is 10-15%!

That means that MOST PEOPLE do NOT have vision loss.

Blind? Vision Impairment?

Many people use the word ‘blind’ to mean any vision loss, but we try NOT to use that word for macular degeneration. Instead, some people will have a visual impairment or become legally blind, but not everyone.


This is just a partial list of terms.

    • Total blindness refers to an inability to see anything with either eye.
    • Legal blindness is a level of vision loss that has been legally defined to determine eligibility for benefits. The clinical diagnosis refers to a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the best possible correction, and/or a visual field of 20 degrees or less. Often, people who are diagnosed with legal blindness still have some usable vision.
    • Vision loss refers to individuals who have trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses, as well as to individuals who are blind or unable to see at all.
    • Visual impairment is often defined clinically as a visual acuity of 20/70 or worse in the better eye with best correction, or a total field loss of 140 degrees. Additional factors influencing visual impairment might be contrast sensitivity, light sensitivity, glare sensitivity, and light/dark adaptation.




AMD & Autoimmune Disease – A Connection?

Hello, folks! Here we go again with a topic that is so far over my head I never should have even attempted it. Oh well, one of our readers asked the question. And besides, “a man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what is a heaven for?” (Robert Browning – and one of my favorite quotes?)

So you have again been forewarned. I am slogging through medical research and I have no clue what 90% of what I am reading means. If you get confused, just consider who is doing the interpretation!

The question was: can AMD be considered an autoimmune disease?

The answer is probably, maybe. They are working on that now. Can I get back to you? Like next year, maybe?

I am sure we all remember the alternative pathway of the complementary immune system. ? From what I remember things this system deals with include inflammation and the release of macrophages (big eaters) to clean up the mess. Macrophages are sort of the carrion eaters of your body.

According to webMD inflammation is supposed to protect us from foreign substances. It occurs in response to chemicals and involves an increase of blood flow to the affected area. Fluid leaking into tissues can cause redness and swelling. Swelling can cause damage.

Autoimmune conditions occur when there is no foreign invader and the body starts to identify its own tissues as something foreign. Healthy tissues come under attack.

AMD is an inflammatory disease. It would make sense that with chronic inflammation, the signaling system could easily go awry and result in ‘friendly fire’ casualties. By my way of thinking, this might be even more likely because both inflammation and macrophages are part of the innate immune system. The defenses of the innate immune system deal with nonspecific targets.

Morohoski et al. wrote a paper on autoimmunity in retinal degeneration. He (she? It is K. Morohoski) states “a growing body of evidence indicates that AMD pathogenesis too involves ocular inflammation and autoimmunity.”

But it is not just inflammation and the complementary immune system they are now suspecting. Now they are even suspecting involvement of the adaptive immune system. That is the one in which defenses are ‘made to order’ as opposite to ‘one size fits all’. Think antibodies and developing resistance to a disease; that immune system.

Anyway, now they are thinking damage may cause a breakdown of the blood/ brain barrier – remember the eye is the only part of the brain you can see with the naked eye! – and antibodies may be released into the eye. Some of these are retinal autoantibodies. These are proteins that will attack the retina of the host.

So, in answer to the question: it seems reasonable AMD is an autoimmune disorder. It seems probably that not only is the non-specific, innate immunity system in the mix but the specific, adaptive immune system is involved as well. Is it written in stone? Nope? Are they ready to uncategorically declare AMD an autoimmune disorder? Not yet, but I would predict it is coming. Continue reading “AMD & Autoimmune Disease – A Connection?”

Islands of Damage

I have got about 45 minutes before I need to get ready to walk and go to yoga. Had to go to my third job today, just for the half day. My husband took me up and did errands for the morning, then we went to lunch and picked up my framed photos for the contest in the fall. I am four months ahead of the game but I had to pay extra to get them done on time once before. Not doing that again.

Lin gave me an article entitled “The Journey of ‘Geographic Atrophy’ through Past, Present and Future”. Started reading it …finally… today. First thing I read is GA is ‘end stage’ dry AMD.

I knew it was advanced AMD but never gave a lot of thought to it being end stage. Does ‘end stage’ just mean the last stage or does it mean I have almost reached the end of the deterioration? Need to read on.

There is depigmentation of the cells This is a problem because it is the building up and depletion of pigment that allows us to see. In GA you can get to look in and see choroid blood vessels with no difficulty, as well.

I have seen images of my blood vessels in my choroid. Nothing between them and the camera. Essential, my choroid posed naked.?

The article said seeing the degree of degeneration even with the new technology is difficult. That is apparently why my retinologist saw no change in my scans even though I was perceiving an increase in density of my left scotoma.

The article also said there is high variability in the location, number and shape of individual lesions. The makes sense considering my blurry spot is up and right when looking at the Amsler Grid and my ‘sweet spot’ for eccentric viewing is lower and a little to the left. In other words if I center my poor, wrecked fovea at 1 or 2 on the clock face, I can see things between 9 and 3, courtesy of my ‘sweet spot’. Other people are different, of course. Putting each fovea on the center of the Amsler grid and seeing what blurs out can help you chart your scotomata. Then, learn to work around them.

I am not sure if this is good or bad. Exception in a limited number of cases, the fovea is spared until the end. Does that mean I am actually more abnormal than I have always believed or does it mean I am at the end of the process? Dunno.

See why I feel like a mushroom???? Jeez. Need information here!

Geographic? It appears early researchers (and by ‘early’ I am referring to the 1970s! Research and discoveries are traveling at light speed and there is no reason to lose hope something else helpful will be discovered soon) thought the sharp demarcation of lesions like ours looked liked borders of islands and continents as drawn on a map. That is where geographical came from. We have islands of damage in seas of healthy tissue.

Ok. Gotta run. There is lots more in the article though. Will let you know. Continue reading “Islands of Damage”

Cheap Entertainment

Just back from a walk with the Beastie Baby. This time I got to smell the honeysuckle and listen to the bees buzz. Spring in Central Pennsylvania. “Enjoy! Enjoy!” (Thank you to Manny Gordon for that quote!)

Lin got me another article on geographic atrophy and scotomata. I have not read it yet. I will let you know but right now I want to talk about floaters.

We had a yoga class outside in the middle of the afternoon. When I was in savasana (corpse pose or final rest in English. I like the Sanskrit much better!), I was watching my floater swim around in my eyeball. Hey, what can I say? I take my entertainment where I can find it!?

I have been told that eventually most floaters settle to the bottom and just hang out there. However, when I am in yoga and doing all sorts of poses, mine gets riled up and ‘swims’, my floater is in my right eye and looks like a mosquito larva.

Or at least, after some deliberation, that is what I decided. Cheap entertainment. Sort of like lying in the grass and deciding what the clouds look like.

Floaters are one more delightful thing we develop as we get older. The gel in our eyes – the vitreous – separates. I had a chocolate pudding analogy before. Know how pudding separates into fluid and clumps of pudding when it has been in the fridge too long? Same basic idea. The floaters are the clumps.

I have had this particular floater for years. You probably have some ‘old friends’ in your eyes as well. However, if those old friends suddenly have a lot of company from other floaters, if you get flashes, if you get a curtain-like shadow (see photo to the left) or if peripheral vision starts going dark, get to your eye doctor stat. These are signs of serious retinal damage and need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The Mayo Clinic page on eye floaters lists a series of questions for which you might want to have answers when you go to your doctor. They also list some possible treatments for floaters. Laser surgery is used infrequently due to the serious risks involved. The other possible treatment is a vitrectomy. That is not fun and games either.

If possible, the best and safest thing to do is to just put up with the floaters. Shake your head. Watch them float. Think what they remind you of. If nothing else, they are cheap entertainment.

written April 29th, 2017

Continue reading “Cheap Entertainment”

The Blind Spot – Part 2

Lin found about the best article on scotomata that I have seen thus far. It has some basic information. Stuff that I had inferred from other articles but had never been defined.

Scotomata are areas of vision loss surrounded by intact vision. Scotoma, as I said, is Greek for ‘darkness’. Again, not a happy thought.

A scotoma can be in one eye or two. It can be physiological. Everyone has a natural blind spot where your optic nerve is connected to the retina. We don’t realize it because our brain just fills in. No need to worry about physiological scotomata.

Scotomata can also be pathological. Because these are the result of a disease process, these are the ones we get to worry about.

Relative scotomata are the kind you can ‘see through’. You no longer have a full complement of cones but enough remain to sort of get the job done. I have relative scotomata in my eyes. Unfortunately, one of them probably just had a massive die off because it has gotten several shades darker.

When the scotomata go black you have something called absolute scotomata. Those are the areas in which the photoreceptors – in our case, cone cells – have pretty much all died.

A positive scotoma is one that is obvious to the owner of the eye. I KNOW – I am in fact positive! – I have blurry spots and I am aware one of them just darkened.

We had a comment from a reader who has a negative scotoma (maybe two). She wrote she quit driving when cars on the road would disappear and reappear. Her brain was ‘filling in’ the blank spot with a vision of an empty road.

Aren’t brains just amazing? Scary, but amazing. After all, that little trick could kill both the brain and its owner! (Or would that be its servant? Hmmmm….)

And that, my dears, is what I know about scotomata. Not much considering I am the ‘proud’ owner of two of them! Will they all progress to black? Dunno. I keep looking and asking and continuing to feel like a mushroom. You remember: keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit.

What I was told was it was not a conversion to wet. Reassuring but I never thought it was. I was told there was no obvious difference between my last OCT scan and this one. I guess that means the die off was not severely massive, only mildly massive (but I can still see the difference!!!).

I was also praised for being proactive with my vision care. Important for us all.

So, darkening of your scotomata apparently may occur. It probably means things are dying in there. That is my interpretation, though. I was told it was progression of the disease, but if you have a disease in which cells die, would not progressing be cells dying? Stands to reason; yes?

If you perceive a significant change in the density of your scotomata, call your doctor and go in for an OCT just to be on the safe side. Not much can be done for the progression of the dry, but on the off chance you are converting to wet, you need to catch it quickly.

Thus we end another ‘adventure’ in AMD. Anyone else having these problems? Sigh.

Continue reading “The Blind Spot – Part 2”

The Blind Spot – Part 1

Tomorrow I go for another OCT scan. That is optical coherence tomography. It is the one you look at the cross and the machine goes click, click, click vertically and takes pretty pictures of your retina.

I think I told you I think the scotoma in my left eye is more opaque. I think it is called density but I cannot find any information on it.

I am not understanding why they don’t publish this stuff somewhere. How are you supposed to understand what is happening to you if there is no information?

I have been told AMD vision looks like gazing through glasses with Vaseline smeared on them. Nowhere have I heard things go black in the middle. However, my scotoma is darker and things are not ‘bleeding through’ as well. Is this natural progression of the disease?

I feel like a mushroom. Keep me in the dark and feed me bullshit.

Did a fair amount of research trying to find something on scotomata. That is the plural. Like stigma and stigmata; you know. Scotoma is Greek for darkness so that is not very encouraging.

There are several different types of scotomata. The one we with AMD have is a central scotoma but there are also ones that obliterate half the central visual field, hemianopic scotomata, and peripheral scotomata. Pareacentral scotomata are near the central vision. Bilateral scotomata occur as the result of a tumor impinging on the optic chiasm. This is all info from talks about absolute scotomata in which the light perception is totally lost. There are a number of articles online that come up when you google AMD and absolute scotomata. It is obviously possible, therefore, for an absolute scotoma to be the ‘end of the line’ for macular degeneration. How delightful.

On a positive note, many of the articles that mention absolute scotomata are about teaching people how to use eccentric viewing. They are generally pretty positive about their results. Once again there is hope for navigating around this mess.

If somebody actually TELLS me something about what is happening, I will let you know. I, for one, do not think you need to be treated like mushrooms. In return, if you know the answer, let me in on the secret!

And in other news, I am going to go to Mom Prom! The person who first offered to get me there apparently ‘thought better’ of it and never firmed up the arrangements, but I have another offer. Not really upset at the first person but I think people need to be honest with themselves before they open their mouths. If they are not going to follow through, don’t volunteer!

I also got the invitation to speak at the summer camp for blind and visually impaired high school kids. No clue what I am going to say. These kids have more experience with vision loss than I have. Any suggestions?

Getting late. Talk to you later.

  • About the title: There’s a GREAT YouTube channel called The Blind Spot that we highly recommend.  The title is not about that, it’s that scotomas are often called ‘blind spots’.

Continue reading “The Blind Spot – Part 1”

I Promise

Greetings! Beautiful day. Sunny but cold. 37 degrees Fahrenheit. My friend who is ever concerned about my welfare knew my husband had pumped up my bike tires and thought today would be perfect for me to join her in a bike ride. Yes, I want to ride, but it is 37 degrees! Whoa.

New washer came bright and early this morning. I am actually very glad to be able to get some laundry done. Classic example of not appreciating something until it is no longer there.

Which brings me to our vision and a problem I heard about the other week. At least one member has retinal scarring. If one person has it, I suspect others do as well. I tried to look it up online and there was surprisingly little. Everything I found turned me around to macular puckers and holes. They are obviously all related, but what I was looking for was scarring in particular. If you find any good info, please share. Maybe write a page?.

According to WiseGeek, retinal scarring is exactly that, scar tissue on and under the retina. Small scars are not that big a deal. Our wonderful brains just sort of erase them. However, big ones make problems by giving us visual distortions and loss.

What types of distortions? According to WiseGeek the Amsler Grid may curve and/or parts of it may pull out of position. Reading can be just about impossible for people with large retinal scars.

Cause of retinal scarring can be pretty much anything that causes the retina to become inflamed. That would include injury, illness and wet AMD. Repeated inflammation leads to the potential of bigger scars and more vision loss.  [Lin/Linda here: I found an article that says “People can develop retinal scarring from severe myopia, ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, and wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Scarring results from inflammation, caused by irritation of the retina. Severe occurrences  can cause swelling of the retina, wrinkling of the surface tissue, or even retinal detachment.” The article also talks about research into a compound that may prevent scarring in the first place.]

You hear the cautionary note there? For you folks with wet, very few things are more important than keeping up with your treatments and preventing irritation to your retinas.

Repeat after me: “I promise I will get my treatments in a timely fashion. So help me God.” Now spit in your hand and virtually shake….yuck. Who came up with that spit in your hand business? Obviously knew nothing about viruses and bacteria.

Treatments for retinal scarring appear to be limited at this time, of course. Because the available treatments are invasive, often the first ‘treatment’ is watch and wait. Other treatments are vitrectomy and something called a membrane peel.

We talked about vitrectomies in the past. In that procedure the gel like substance in your eye is drained. That substance, the vitreous, has string-like things in it that can adhere to the macula and tug. These ‘tugs’ create puckers, holes and scars.

Epiretinal membrane peeling is described in an article by Hampton Roy. The title is, aptly, Epiretinal Membrane Treatment Management. My interpretation is that in a peel, the surgeon teases off the upper layer of the retina. Maybe like trying to take off just one cell layer of an onion? Roy goes into explanations on a few different types of peels. My assumption is their assumption is the scar will be mostly in the top layer and can be removed this way.

So now you know everything I think I know about retinal scarring and its treatment. Remember, I am not a doctor and you should assume I know nothing when it comes to pretty much anything. The great majority of what I think I know has come off the web. Always check with your doctor. Continue reading “I Promise”