Hindsight is 20/20

Good evening! How are you all?

Lin has noticed I seem to have written soooo many pages they are overwhelming and confusing some people. She feels this is particularly true for some of the newbies who probably feel like they have walked in on the (boring and confusing) middle of a movie. [Lin/Linda: to be clear, those are Sue’s words! ::grin::]

Understood. Some of you are back in the shock and doom phrase and I am talking about getting newspapers on your phones and other trivial matters. Who wants to hear about that sort of thing while your world is unraveling?

In the interest of pointing you towards something that might actually be helpful, Lin is republishing some earlier pages for your attention and discussion. And I – always helpful – am going to add to the confusion by writing another page!?

This page will have a catchy title thanks to Lin, but right now I am going to call it “What I know now that I wish I had known a year and a half ago”.

First, you are not going everything black and dark blind.

It is not good but neither is it quite that bad. You are losing central vision. Things will not be good for anywhere from about 15 to 60 degrees of arc. Since normal visual fields are 170 or so degrees of arc, you have the potential to lose about a third of your vision. Not anything to cheer about but better than 100%.

You may not be doomed to progress to end stage AMD.

About 15% of patients become ‘wet’. About 15% progress to geographic atrophy. That means you – starting out with drusen and a diagnosis of early AMD – have a 85% chance of dodging the proverbial bullet for end stage AMD. You may very well not get as bad as I am and a year and a half after my second eye went to hell, I am still functional. [Lin/Linda: a person can have both wet AMD and geographic atrophy in the same eye.  I don’t what that does to the %, if anything.]

You did not cause this.

Yes, AMD is caused but it was not caused by anything you did or did not do. The causes are in your genes. This is a heritable disease. There are dozens if not hundreds of genes that are being investigated to try to figure out how AMD is created. It appears AMD may just be the result of a genetic ‘perfect storm’ and there is no one to blame.

There may come a time you are seeing things.

I saw some odd stuff when my brain was working overtime to assign meaning to the faulty images my eyes were sending it. You are not psychotic (I hope you are not psychotic). This is Charles Bonnet Syndrome. When your brain gives up trying to assign meaning to false signals you will stop seeing weird ‘stuff’. In the meantime, enjoy the fantasy.

Point number last: There is an amazing amount of hope for treatment and eventually a cure for AMD.

Research is going on everyday. New discoveries are announced with regularity. The medical community is hot on the trail of something that will arrest the progression and may even reverse this disease. All we have to do is hold on.

OK. Those were my biggie when I first lost my second eye. What are you worried about? Please share and we can discuss it. Continue reading “Hindsight is 20/20”

Wintry Mix

It was a rather sloppy, cold day today. We had what the weather services refer to as a wintry mix. My ride to exercise classes decided she did not want to go out in the mess. Understandable, especially since I landed flat on my back twice at the dog park. Ice under the snow and I walk with a heel strike. Heel down and whoopsie! Yet another reason I need to keep exercising, though.

Being in decent shape, I tend to bounce and not break. Fortunately there was no one nearby to hear the crazy old lady cursing and laughing at herself as she lay in the snow….twice.

Anyway, I ramble. Not a bad day. We took the recycling and went for pizza. Took Beastie Baby to the dog park. I finished a short report for work and I am now – gasp- cooking. You know I have run out of things I even remotely enjoy when I get domestic.

I could be willful. I could get all pissy and declare if there is nothing I want to do to do, I will do nothing! That will get me nowhere but miserable. Problem is, I am stuck in the house with myself! It is after dark and we are now getting freezing rain. I need to be willing to entertain myself with what is available.

I am lousy company even for myself when I am bored and miserable. Willingness as opposed to willfulness needs to be the choice.

And while things are in the oven, I am reading an article Lin sent me. When I was a teen, our family doctor thought I should go to medical school. Maybe if I had done that, I could actually decipher this thing!

The Saudis wrote this article, Update on clinical trials in dry Age-related Macular Degeneration. It is a review of the research up until November, 2015. The abstract says none of the biologically-oriented therapies have resulted in vision improvement, although I would say some of them probably slow the deterioration process. It also says the stem cell studies show promise. Yippee! That means if I hope to exceed my basic goal of stopping the progress of the disease, I have chosen well. (If this is the first of my pages you have read, I am applying to two stem cell studies.)

I have picked up a couple of facts from the article. Geographical atrophy – the divot where my photoreceptors used to be – is “sharply delineated” and by definition at least 175 microns. I assume that is across. 175 microns is .00689 inches. That is a tiny little space to be causing all these problems! The divot also needs to be deep enough to show the blood vessels in the choroid.

I also found out that hard drusen are a sign of normal aging. It is the soft drusen that are the troublemakers. There are all sorts of other drusen, too. It all appears rather complicated. [Lin/Linda here: click here for my post about drusen.]

I will try to be willing and slog through the rest of this article. It is informative, just over my head. Let you know if I learn anything.

written 12/17/2016

Continue reading “Wintry Mix”

The Waiting Game

Yesterday was my third appointment with Regillo. Quite frankly I was hoping for great things. Hoping I would get a definitive answer and it would be positive! No such luck. My ‘answer’ was another “maybe”.

What criteria are they using? No clue. I was told my eye condition certainly qualifies me. Beyond that, I got no inkling of what I need to do to move up the list.

After a year and a half, I am getting more and more frustrated and antsy. If there is a way to become a prime candidate, I don’t know what it is.

Anatomy of the eye-click on the image for more information

I did learn a few things. Contrary to what I read, the good doctor says everyone has a suprachoroidal space (SCS). [Lin/Linda here: the SCS is the space between the sclera (outer part of eye) and choroid (space below RPEs).  It’s important in both clinical studies Sue is referred to because both insert the stem cells into this space; more about the clinical trials below). Not sure why the difference between what I read and what he said. I know I read something about ‘forcing’ (my term) an SCS in guinea pig eyes. They did it by injecting saline solution between the appropriate layers. Maybe the difference is between having a space and having a medically useful space? I might be wrong but I got the impression the delivery system works better when there is fluid in the SCS. Maybe not. Anyway, everyone has one. I am just not sure if you need the fluid to accommodate the delivery system. If you really want to know, check with your eye doctor. I am still trying to piece this all together.

The next thing I found out was the Ocata/Astellas study may resurrect sooner than I was originally told. I had heard two years or more and now I am being told 2017. Sweet.

I was asked which one I preferred. The one I would prefer is the first one to come to fruition! I will be dancing in the streets to be asked to participate in either one of them.

So that is where I stand now. I have been given two strong maybes. Is that a guarantee I will get something or do two nothings equal nothing? It is driving me crazy!

So back to practicing my distress tolerance skills. I have to ACCEPTS my situation. Engage in activities and contribute to others. I have to compare my situation to those of others and be grateful; things could be worse. Doing things to laugh will help me to have opposite emotions and I can push away problems I cannot solve at present. I can also have pleasant thoughts and intense sensations that distract me from my frustrations. It can be done. I have done it for a year and a half. I can keep on.

written 12/16/2016

Continue reading “The Waiting Game”

Highlight: Dry Macular Degeneration Clinical Trials 1/7/2017

There is no current treatment for dry AMD.  There IS encouraging research and for those of us who subscribe to the newsletter from WebRN-MacularDegeneration, we just got a link to a page that discusses ‘a sampling’ of the studies including for those with geographic atrophy which is one of the advanced forms of AMD.   Several of the studies are looking for participants.

Click here to go to Dry Macular Degeneration Clinical Trials.  Number 3 is the study that Sue is waiting to participate in.

WebRN-MacularDegeneration is a great website & I recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter.

Highlight: Does wet AMD start as dry?

There are differing opinions and interpretations of what those in the field of macular degeneration have learned.  The links below certainly don’t represent all views, of course, but are an example of some of what you will find.

The important point is that it is CRITICAL to get your eyes examined as recommended by your doctor and to monitor your vision between exams. Click here to find out how to do that.

From: http://www.webrn-maculardegeneration.com/macular-degeneration-stages.html

“Advanced AMD is either a break-down of light sensitive cells and supporting tissue in the central retinal area (advanced dry form), or the development of abnormal and fragile blood vessels under the retina (wet form).”

From: https://www.macular.org/dry-vs-wet-macular-degeneration

“About ten percent of all cases of Age-related Macular Degeneration become “Wet” AMD (typically a person has dry AMD first and progresses toward wet).”

From: https://nei.nih.gov/health/maculardegen/armd_facts

“There are three stages of AMD defined in part by the size and number of drusen under the retina. It is possible to have AMD in one eye only, or to have one eye with a later stage of AMD than the other.

Early AMD. Early AMD is diagnosed by the presence of medium-sized drusen, which are about the width of an average human hair. People with early AMD typically do not have vision loss.

Intermediate AMD. People with intermediate AMD typically have large drusen, pigment changes in the retina, or both. Again, these changes can only be detected during an eye exam. Intermediate AMD may cause some vision loss, but most people will not experience any symptoms.

Late AMD. In addition to drusen, people with late AMD have vision loss from damage to the macula. There are two types of late AMD:

In geographic atrophy (also called dry AMD), there is a gradual breakdown of the light-sensitive cells in the macula that convey visual information to the brain, and of the supporting tissue beneath the macula. These changes cause vision loss.

In neovascular AMD (also called wet AMD), abnormal blood vessels grow underneath the retina. (“Neovascular” literally means “new vessels.”) These vessels can leak fluid and blood, which may lead to swelling and damage of the macula. The damage may be rapid and severe, unlike the more gradual course of geographic atrophy. It is possible to have both geographic atrophy and neovascular AMD in the same eye, and either condition can appear first.”

From: http://www.avruc.com/macular-degeneration.php

“The macula is the central part of the retina and allows us to read fine print clearly and see colors vividly. It is this area of the retina that deteriorates in ARMD. There are 2 forms of ARMD. Everyone who has macular degeneration starts out with the dry type and 20% progress to the wet type over the course of a lifetime. “

From: http://www.youreyes.org/eyehealth/macular-degeneration

“Can the dry form turn into the wet form?
Yes. All people who had wet form AMD had the dry form first. 

The dry form can advance and cause vision loss without turning into the wet form. The dry form also can suddenly turn into the wet form, even during early stage AMD. There is no way to tell if or when the dry form will turn into the wet form.

Can advanced AMD be either the dry form or the wet form?
Yes. Both the wet form and the advanced dry form are considered advanced AMD. Vision loss occurs with either form. In most cases, only advanced AMD can cause vision loss. 

People who have advanced AMD in one eye are at especially high risk of developing advanced AMD in the other eye.”

Please see your doctor for regular exams and between exams, check your vision at home.

I Have Macular Degeneration…Now What?

June 2023 There’s an announcement that since Sue has not written any new journal pages for some time, the site has been archived until we can decide if the work necessary to make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date can be made. In the meantime, you’ll get some pages ‘not found’ or ‘private’ until that decision has been made. The emphasis for several years has been on the Facebook group.

Where can I quickly find information about AMD?

One of the best resources available is from the Prevent Blindness organization’s website called Guide Me.  You answer a few questions and you will get a personalized guide with important aspects of AMD based on your answers:

Click here to go to Guide Me.

Click here to watch a 4-minute video that explains what AMD is, what causes it, and what can be done about it.

Click here for a good list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Click here to go to a great site maculardegeneration.net where you will find articles written by people with macular degeneration and caregivers. They also have a Facebook page.

What other websites are helpful?

Here are some of our favorites:

Click here to find out should I take the AREDS or AREDS2 supplements?

Click here for a video that covers important information about AMD

Click here for a description of dry vs. wet AMD (we are not recommending any products in this article, but be aware that the site may profit from some products they advertise.)

Click here for an explanation of the stages of AMD (we are not recommending any products in this article, but be aware that the site may profit from some products they advertise.)

Click here to read about what happens if you have AMD in only one eye

Click here for some answers to common questions about depression after diagnosis

Click here for an article about how vision rehabilitation helps prevent long-term depression

Click here for a very comprehensive page about wet AMD

Click here for a very comprehensive page about dry AMD

Click here for an article about how fast AMD progresses

Click here for 10 questions to ask your doctor

Click here to find a support group (I’ve been told that this site may not be up-to-date. Ask your eye specialist for a referral.)

Click here for eye-healthy foods including a Healthy Vision Grocery List (2/14/2022 site wasn’t formatting properly.) Click here to read the answer to the question ‘What should I be eating or not eating to hopefully slow the progression of my AMD?’

Click here to find out what vision changes/symptoms to look for (we are not recommending any products in this article, but be aware that the site may profit from some products they advertise.)

Click here to find out about the people who can help you (what are the differences between the types of eye doctors, do I need to see a specialist, etc)

Click here for tips on how to make the most of the vision you have (section toward the bottom of the page; lots of other good information on the whole page)

Click here for a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from the Macular Disease Foundation Australia.

Click here for a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from our Facebook group.

Where can I do more research?

You can do searches on the Internet – there is a LOT of information there.  We have done a lot of research and here’s how you can find it.

Click here to go to How to Navigate and Search Our Website.

Join our very active Facebook group Our Macular Degeneration Journey. There’s lots more information there as well as support whenever you need it.

How do I move around on the website?

Click here to go to How to Navigate and Search Our Website.

To find about more about me, about Sue, about our project, go to the menu at the top of the page.

Reviewed 02/14/2022





News: Sept. 9-10-11, 2016

These are the links shared in the Facebook group for these dates.

Highlight: What is Advanced Macular Degeneration?

About 10 years ago, my elderly father was diagnosed with dry AMD and then later we were told it was ‘advanced’ and that he had ‘geographic atrophy’.  At the time, I didn’t understand what that was.

Here’s an excellent article about what those terms really mean.  It’s on the great website WebRN: Macular Degeneration.  If you haven’t looked at it, I recommend that you do after you read this article.

Advanced AMD & Geographic Atrophy


June 2023 There’s an announcement that since Sue has not written any new journal pages for some time, the site has been archived until we can decide if the work necessary to make sure all information is accurate and up-to-date can be made. In the meantime, you’ll get some pages ‘not found’ or ‘private’ until that decision has been made. The emphasis for several years has been on the Facebook group.

2/14/2022 Because of the rapid and constant growth of our Facebook group, I cannot keep this list updated.  I have a large amount of information available in the Facebook group in Guides which are like chapters in a book or lessons in a course. Plus, in 3 years, the amount of information in the posts and comments is quite substantial. I recommend that you join us there where you can get the information and the support to help you in your journey.  Thanks for understanding. Hope to see you there! Lin/Linda…
I’ve added some pages from that group that might be of interest to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for the list of Frequently Asked Questions from our Facebook group.

AREDS2-based Supplements

There are several pages on the site that explain what AREDS2 means and who the AREDS2-based products are for. Click here to go to a list of articles.

AREDS2-based Supplements With 0 or 25mg of Zinc

Click here for the list.


There are a lot of links here.  I’ve set up this page so that when you click on a link (words that are underlined & in blue or green), a NEW tab will open in your browser and this page STAYS WHERE IT IS.  When you are done with the new page you opened, just close it.  You do NOT need to use the back option.  If you click on a link and the new page replaces this one, I’VE MADE A MISTAKE so please let me know by sending me an email at light2sight5153@gmail.com.  Let me know exactly which link or links do not open a new tab or window.

Errors: If you click on a link and you get a ‘page not found’ error, please let me know by sending me an email at light2sight5153@gmail.com.  Let me know exactly which link or links do not open a new tab or window.

Additions: If you have a link you’d like to add, please email at light2sight5153@gmail.com.

Topics-click below to move to a topic

Links We Like

  • Click here for a GREAT resource where you answer some simple questions and you get a customized guide based on your responses
  • Click here for a great glossary
  • Click here for Low Vision Resources: A List of Lists (such as 8 ways to slow AMD, 15 tips for family and friends, etc)
  • Videos
    • Click here for several videos
    • Click here for the UK Macular Society’s Say Hello to Mac
    • Click here for one that uses illustrations and animation (explains how wet AMD progresses and how the injections work)
  • Click here for a description of dry vs. wet AMD (we are not recommending any products in this article)
  • Click here for an article about depression after diagnosis
  • Click here for a very comprehensive page about wet AMD
  • Click here for a very comprehensive page about dry AMD
  • Click here for a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that answers a long list of questions such as ‘will resting help my eyes?’, ‘Can I see for myself if my retina or macula shows any signs of damage before I have symptoms?’, ‘why don’t new eye glasses help?’, ‘what is meant by degeneration?’, ‘is a macular hole the same as macular degeneration’, ‘I have had dry MD for years. Does this mean I’m going to get wet MD too?’, ‘No one else in my family has MD. Why did I get it?’, ‘can drusen be treated?’, ‘I have changes on the Amsler Grid, does this mean I have MD’, ‘I have Wet MD but my Doctor says there is nothing he can do or no treatment available. Why is this?’
  • Click here for a short introduction to stems cells, what they are and how they can be used.

See what vision is like at the various stages of AMD

Click here to find ways to see simulations of what vision loss due to AMD is like at various stages.


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Websites devoted to AMD and Other Forms of Macular Degeneration

listed in no particular order

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Websites containing information about AMD and Other Forms of Macular Degeneration

listed in no particular order

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I’ve not been able to verify if these are kept up to date. Let me know if you find that they are not or if you have one  you’d like to add.

Message Boards including ones from
By postal mail

I don’t know if these are still accurate.

  • Association for Macular Diseases
    210 E. 64th Street
    New York, NY 10021
    (212) 605-3719
    – Offers education and information on macular disease through seminars, newsletters, and a hotline. Offers counseling to patients and their families.
  • Macular Degeneration International
    is now a part of Foundation Fighting Blindness
    Toll Free Helpline 1-800-683-5555
    EMail: MDInfo@blindness.org
    – Provides support for people affected by inherited macular degeneration including Stargardt’s disease.
Start Your Own
  • Vision Support Group-download video presentations  This group provides free information and support through presentations to groups of senior adults affected by macular degeneration and related retinal diseases.  You can join & get access to their materials so you can use them in your own group.
On the phone/telesupport

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Where to find services

  • In the US: click here to find a low vision center, retina specialist, state agency, ophthalmologist
  • In the UK: click here to support services (listed on the right side of the page) such as skills for seeing, counseling, access to treatment…and more
  • In the US: click here to search for a wide variety of services (more than the link above)
  • In Australia: click here to find an ophthalmologist and optometrist
  • Worldwide: click here for resources worldwide

Resources for Students

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Books and reading materials

Specific Titles

Sources of Books

Formats: Braille, large print, e-book and audiobooks

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Personal stories of living with AMD

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Online newsletters

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What is AMD?

Wet Form
Dry Form
How fast does AMD progress?
  • A good article about how difficult this is to answer
  • Great video that explains why early detection is important especially when detecting the change from dry AMD to wet

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What is Stargardt’s Disease?

Also called Stargardt’s Disease (SD) or Stargardt Macular Dystrophy (SMD) or Juvenile Macular Degeneration (JMD), it’s an inherited, juvenile macular degeneration. The progressive vision loss associated with Stargardt disease is caused by the death of photoreceptor cells in the central portion of the retina called the macula.

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The Science Stuff

Role of RPEs

Geographic Atrophy

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Charles Bonnet Syndrome/Visual hallucinations

Other problems with vision & AMD

  • problems with visual acuity, photostress, blindspots, color vision, sensitivity to light, depth perception
  • eye problems that have similar symptoms as AMD:

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Risk factors


  • Age is a large factor but can start earlier
  • Much less common are several hereditary forms of macular degeneration, which usually affect children or teenagers. Collectively, they are called Juvenile Macular Degeneration. They include Best’s Disease, Stargardt’s Disease, Sorsby’s Disease and some others.  See Stargard’s Disease section above.

Diet/nutrition (working on this section)

  • diet low in various nutrients & high in others have been linked to AMD.
  • See Nutrition and Vitamins/Supplements under Self-care/self-maintenance below.



  • AMD more common in women perhaps because women live longer than men

Uncontrolled high blood pressure

Uncontrolled high cholesterol


Blue Light

Eye Color

Aspirin & other medications

Other possible causes

  • Biological Process in Wet AMD – some evidence that the photoreceptors are starved by the lack of food (oxygen & nutrients in the blood) and the growth of blood vessels is to compensate for that.

Connection between AMD and Alzheimer’s Disease

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  • FDA approved options in the US, injections, implantable telescopes, laser treatment (also outside the US)
Injections for Wet AMD
Telescopic implants
Are there new treatments in the pipeline?
Vitamins (see Self Maintenance/Self Care section below)

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Research/Clinical trials


How can I become a part of a clinical trial?

  • A list of sources of information about clinical trials and how to find out for you to participate in.
  • You can search for clinical trials from the links above
  • There are registries where you sign up and enter information about the status of your eyes.  Researchers will use this information to find people that match their research and contact you.  Click here for more information about these registries in the US and elsewhere

Gene Therapy

Bionic Eye/Retinal Implants

  • What is a bionic eye?  It’s also called retinal implant or retinal prosthesis.   Implant is put in retina, camera worn by person sends image to implant which stimulates optic nerve
  • Click here for overview of retinal implants including videos of how it works & interviews with people who have them.
  • March 21, 2016 UK Bionic eye being tested
  • Here’s an article about one being developed at Carnegie Mellon institute in Pittsburgh, PA.

Nutritional Supplements

  • See Vitamins/Supplements section below.

Stem Cells

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Coping with low vision

Low Vision Aids

Wearable Technology

  • coming soon!

Suppliers of low vision aids

Financial Help




  • A website for the US where you enter your zip code and transportation options for your area will be shown.

Bioptic Driving


Checking vision

Amsler Grid

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Self maintenance/self care

Low vision rehabilitation





More to come, you can check out these posts now

Video: Overview of Assistive Technology for People with Low Vision

Highlight: How do I use Zoom for Apple products?

Highlight: What about Apple’s accessibility features?

News: Top 10 Low Vision Aids for AMD


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In The Beginning

February 2015

I am a 61-year-young woman. Life is good. I am at the top of my career. I am active. People tell me they want to be me when they grow up.

February 2016

I am going blind. I’m terrified.

June 2015

I am driving down Route 11 with the windows open. Something gets in my right eye. No biggie. Wipe it out. With my right eye closed, the car in front of me disappears. Oh shit. Open the right eye again and the car in front of me is back. Close the right eye again and it disappears. There seems to be a problem here.

A call into my friendly neighborhood ophthalmologist gets me an appointment for the same day. They think it’s something serious. After several different tests, I am given a diagnosis of dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD or ARMD).

When I was in third grade, I had a button that said: “we never guess, we look it up.” In the age of the Internet and Google, this has become one of my credos. I look it up.

We never guess, we look it up.

What I find out is that Macular Degeneration (MD) is an eye condition in which the fine focus part of the eye stops working. There is actually a more complicated mechanism behind it but we will leave it at that for now. I will visit the science stuff later.

Macular Degeneration is thought to be genetic. Looking back, I realize my father had it. It also happens more to white people than other races. It happens more in women than in men. And, thus the name. happens in those of us who are over 55. Those are the static variables. (Static variable, sounds like an oxymoron to me.)

I’m in the static variables, I am guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. Among the lifestyle choices that are factors in AMD, not so much. I have never smoked and I am in fairly good shape. The jury is out on whether or not my history of high blood pressure has anything to do with my developing the condition.

So here I am, based on the static variables, a really good candidate.

What exactly, however, was happening in those big brown eyes?

Written in February 2016; updated September 2018

To fast forward to what Sue’s life is in September 2018, read In the Beginning – Revisited

Click here to go to a short video that explains the basics about macular degeneration

Next: The Science Stuff
