You know Sue likes quotes and there are quite a few of them in this page about…
Category: Sue’s New Page
Sue’s New Page 3/9/2017
When Sue has down time, she likes to DO something. In this case, she’s been playing the video game Panda Pop. It’s no surprise (to me) that she’s found life lessons in…
Sue’s New Page 3/8/2017
Sue’s talked about how her transportation issues have her off her preferred schedule (ie, she’s not a morning person) and has her sleep cycle out of whack. How does sleep affect the brain? For that, we get a…
Sue’s New Page 3/7/2017
Sue’s been working through Prevent Blindness’ great webpage called Guide Me (if you haven’t gone there yet, I highly recommend it. There’s a link in this page). She’s trying to figure out what a hyperacuity chart is and where she can get one (I’m still looking, too).
Sue’s New Page 3/6/2017
Sue reveals her theory that the woman written about in the poem with the words “When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me” is a woman who has AMD and can’t tell the difference between purple and red! ::grin:: Or is she just an eccentric old woman like Sue?
Sue’s New Page 3/5/2017
This page is from last October! How did we get so far behind? Sue was afraid she’d run out of things to write about so we didn’t publish pages daily for a time. Has that happened? Nooo, it has not! ::grin:: In this one, Sue writes inspiring words about why it’s good to talk about our vision.
Sue’s New Page 3/4/2017
Sue’s been working through the information in Prevent Blindness’ Guide Me resource. There’s lots of information in the personalized guide including some statistics, eg, 50% of the people with dry AMD die before experiencing significant vision loss. We know that is not always the case but…
Sue’s Page 3/3/2017
After a short rant about the lack of AMD education, Sue talks about some of the symptoms of visual problems including ‘perceived flashes of light’ that some people who have them call…
Sue’s New Page 3/2/2017
We’ve had a salmagundi and a mess of topics, now we have another title for a collection. In this case, Sue writes more about her interactions with Amazon and about the Guide Me page from the Prevent Blindness organization.
Sue’s New Page 3/1/2017
Unfortunately, there are people who prey on those with disabilities. Sue’s not worried now but things could change if her vision worsens. There are techniques you can learn to protect yourself including something called Cane-Fu (designed for seniors who use canes for walking but a white cane would work, too). Are you ready to try some…
Sue’s New Page 2/28/2017
Both of our fathers had AMD at a time when there was nothing on the horizon in terms of help for them. We each had a parent who had a form of dementia (my mother and her father) and we know what happens when one’s brain is diseased – it is terrifying. There are people around us who are in pain and have life-threatening illnesses. Taking all that into account and knowing that she’s otherwise healthy, Sue says she is lucky because she has…
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Sue’s New Page 2/27/2017
Occasionally we get people who tell us that they have cured themselves of macular degeneration. In this case we had someone who said he’d improved his vision & wet AMD significantly through nutrition (food & supplements). While we hope it is true for him, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work for everyone. Sue gives us her thoughts about this.
Sue’s New Page 2/26/2017
Here’s another page with various topics: eyeglasses, following vs. leading, new features of the recent iPad update, and payment options for online purchases.
Happy Birthday, Website! Feb. 25, 2017
What a year! Since Sue and I recently wrote about the 1st year anniversary of coming up with the idea for the website, we thought it was time to hear from someone who has supported our efforts. Here’s a page from our very first website subscriber Sharon Hynes. She’s also active in the Facebook group (it was started in May).
Sue’s New Page 2/24/2017
Sue’s talked about her love for Amazon in the past. She’s gotten a lot of what she needs online but how accessible is their website? How is their customer support? This is about her experience
Sue’s New Page 2/23/2017
Sue has written about meditation and prayer as activities that help a person physically and mentally. What happens when a person prays for someone else?
Sue’s New Page 2/22/2017
I’m one of a group of people who worry about Sue (she sometimes calls it ‘nagging’ even though it is not, of course ::grin::). One of her friends told her to look into the research with statins. She did and she shares what she found. That brought her to the subject of fat as in bacon and butter, 2 things I doubt she’d ever give up! She’s concluded that everything she love is either…
Sue’s New Page 2/21/2017
How much did you know about AMD when you first got your diagnosis? How much have you learned since then? Guess what…the learning doesn’t end. There will be lots more of these…
Sue’s New Page 2/20/2017
One of Sue’s challenges is with the only transportation company available to her. Specifically, she’s never been a morning person but she’s had to try to change that to fit their schedule. Maybe someday she will look forward to the…
Sue’s New Page 2/19/2017
What IS a salmagundi? Merriam-Webster says it’s 1) a salad plate of chopped meats, anchovies, eggs, and vegetables arranged in rows for contrast and dressed with a salad dressing; 2) a heterogeneous mixture. Count on Sue to give us not only valuable information about AMD but vocabulary lessons! ::grin::
Sue’s New Page 2/18/2017
Sue packs a lot into each day, sometimes more than she should. When that happens, it’s like her body hits the…
Sue’s New Pages 2/17/2017
More about what goes into reading speed.
Reading Speed is NOT Speed Reading
Sue’s been waiting for over a year for notification that the stem cell trial she’s hoping to be part of is actually going to happen. Turns out it is delayed…again. But there is a second stem cell study and she’s hoping that it’s…
Sue’s New Pages 2/16/2017
In the year since we started the website, we have heard all kinds of inaccurate & misleading information that comes from a person’s eye doctor, especially from those who are not retina specialists.
Sue’s been reading about reading, specifically the factors that go into reading speed such as visual span (how far you ‘look’), eye movement and peripheral viewing.
Sue’s New Pages 2/13/2017
Thanks to questions from our followers & Facebook group members, Sue & I continue to learn about AMD. Thanks to a one of them, we found out about the variation in visual distortions and how they impact things like reading from the screen or printed text. Sue also shares that when her vision worsened about this time last year, she took time off from work to regroup.
We’ve talked about the results from the Vita Risk test. Now we review the additional information that most patients (those with early, intermediate or advanced AMD in only one eye) get when they have the Macula Risk test.
Sue’s New Pages 2/11/2017
Sue’s dad was an important part of her life. He was a GREAT man and gave her many positive traits and lessons. He did NOT give her AMD.
My turn, my genes!