Guest Author 1/10/2017

Sue and I are VERY PLEASED to introduce a new guest author.  She and Sue are both busy with their careers and activities.  Jennifer brings a new perspective in that she is about 15 years younger than Sue and has wet AMD as opposed to Sue’s dry AMD.  I know you’ll appreciate what Jennifer has to say.

Tales from the Wet Side: Part 1 Too Young

PS.  We would LOVE to have more people write for our website whether you write 1 page or more than that.  Do you like to do research?  Is there a topic you are interested in that we haven’t yet covered?  Send me a message at

Highlight: Dry Macular Degeneration Clinical Trials 1/7/2017

There is no current treatment for dry AMD.  There IS encouraging research and for those of us who subscribe to the newsletter from WebRN-MacularDegeneration, we just got a link to a page that discusses ‘a sampling’ of the studies including for those with geographic atrophy which is one of the advanced forms of AMD.   Several of the studies are looking for participants.

Click here to go to Dry Macular Degeneration Clinical Trials.  Number 3 is the study that Sue is waiting to participate in.

WebRN-MacularDegeneration is a great website & I recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter.

Sue’s New Page 1/7/2017

Sue has been a School Psychologist in a school district for quite a number of years so it’s not uncommon for her to see current or former students when she is out and about.   It’s problematic now that she can’t recognize faces.  Some people may not have appreciated what was said but luckily Sue and I have good senses of humor and I can see a cartoon here, can’t you?!

“Hey! Sue is Going Blind!”



Sue’s New Page 1/6/2017

Sue is obviously an exercise enthusiast (aka ‘nut’ to some of us who are not ::grin::).  Before her vision loss, she didn’t have to think as much about what she can and cannot do as she has to now.  She’s had to consider that there will be things she can’t do.  Even so, at least in MY book, she is indeed…

Wonder Woman

Sue’s New Page 1/1/2017

Happy New Year!  We hope that 2017 is a HOPEFUL and healthy year for you and yours.

This page certainly wasn’t planned to be published today considering that Sue wrote this in August, but many people at the end of the year are thinking of starting fresh.  I subscribe to some newsletters related to ‘all things home’ from decorating to cooking – you name it.  I just got a newsletter that talks about how to clean and organize the house to start the new year.   Sue talks about the challenges of doing that with low vision.

Living a Clean Life

Sue’s New Page 12/30/2016

What do you do when you see someone who obviously has vision problems struggling with something?  For instance, you see an elderly woman wearing a pair of inexpensive sunglasses and carrying a regular wooden cane.  She’s ‘stomping’ the cane up and down in front of her as if it were a ‘seeing eye’ cane.  This is what Sue watched at Cracker Barrel restaurant.

Charity Starts at Home

Sue’s New Page 12/29/2016

I like it when I can find titles that relate to songs and this one was done by Simon and Garfunkel and covered by others.  I thought there was no direct relationship between the lyrics and Sue’s topic of resilience but I looked closer.  Do you think there is?

“And I think it’s gonna be all right
Yeah, the worst is over now
The mornin’ sun is shinin’ like a red rubber ball”

Red Rubber Ball



Sue’s New Page 12/21/2016

I can’t believe Sue wrote this in August!  We started to publish a page every other day because Sue was afraid she’d run out of things to write about but it looks like that’s NOT going to happen. ::grin::  Perhaps it’s time to speed up so that we aren’t so far behind?  Maybe that should be our resolution for 2017!  Anyway, in August she was back doing something she loves to do and that is ride her bike.  It will be a few more months till she’s doing that again but in the meantime, for today’s page she’s…

Back in the Saddle

Sue’s New Page 12/19/2016

For those of you who have been following Sue’s journal pages from the beginning (February 2016), you know that she started out her journey with AMD not working and having a difficult time maintaining her ‘old normal’ routine.  Through her determination and with the help of trained vision therapists and their ‘toys’, she has a ‘new normal’ routine.

A Day in the Life

Sue’s New Page 12/11/2016

One of Sue’s goals is to be able to get across the street on her bike.   She’d told the O&M guy that and so she was surprised when he brought her a white cane because she doesn’t need it.  Rather than reject the cane and not participate in the instruction, she’s learned quite a bit about its history and how it can help her should she need it in the future.

Have Cane Will Travel