Can you believe it’s the start of another year? I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the faster time seems to fly. My parents and others told me about it, but of course I didn’t understand. Now I do!
Sue writes a ‘Happy New Year’ message every year. We started this site in January 2016, so this is her 6th one!
What’s New for 2022?
If you haven’t joined my Facebook group, this may be the time to do that. A week ago, Sue joined me for a live Zoom session to introduce her to the group. Doesn’t that seem funny considering some of you ‘met’ her way back in 2016?
We have some big plans this year. On January 8th, 2022, Sue will be doing her first of 3 (or 4) Zoom sessions with the group on ‘Coping with Anxiety, Depression, and Worry.’ She’ll help us to learn how to use the tools from DBT which she’s written about since the beginning. These are tools she uses as a psychologist for her clients, but more importantly, she used on herself when she needed acceptance, mindfulness, and distress tolerance.
To learn more, join the Facebook group. If you are already in it, go to the Events section at the top of the group’s page.
More Zoom Sessions
In December, we had Facebook Live sessions with Dr. John Nolan of the Nutrition Research Centre Ireland who is a carotenoid researcher, and Dr. Amanda Legge who is an Optometrist who specializes in early diagnosis and management of AMD.
In the near future, we’ll have Zoom sessions with Dr. Jim Stringham, another carotenoid researcher who has been in the ocular nutrition field for 30 years, a retinal specialist who will talk about eye injections, and a team of low vision therapists to share some of what low vision therapy does. Dr. Legge will also return with more about the management of AMD.
Members Supporting Members
We have an AWESOME group of almost 6,000 members! We’re working on Zoom sessions where members will do ‘show and tell’ sessions with their favorite low vision devices, tips, recipes, and more. Not only that, but we’ll get together to talk about what the pressing challenges are of having the disease. I also have an idea of how we together can let eye doctors know that when a person is diagnosed, they need to be given INFORMATION to help them start their journey.